Tuesday, October 13, 2009

berita gembira dari kg

Bz skit dgn macam2 sejak sebelum puasa sampai skrg... tapi saya rasa tersgt gembira dpt email dari seorang client yg dah rasa 'kesan' minum AL selepas sehari minum...sehari jer ! nak kata dia agent... blom lagi...baru nak cuba katanyer...beli pun baru 1 tin...so ini memang betul2 ner testimonial...jom baca email yg saya terima :

Hai Shaja,..
i dah 4 hari i tak buang air besar(kotor sikit ayat nih),.u know miracle yg berlaku, tadi jam 3.00 ptg i buang air besar, so.. amazing..lancar dan lawas sekali.Syukur Alhamdulillah.. i really hope selepas ini proses pencernaan i akan menjadi bertambah baik.

Actually i alami sembelit dan sukar membuang air besar since i lahir lagi.Kadamg2 hampir seminggu i tak membuang dan ia menjadi satu tekanan dalam kehidupan seharian.Harap2 Susu Alpha Lipid ini akan menyelesaikan masalah yg i hadapi selama 33 tahun i hidup..
Ini bukan GIMIK, tapi realiti..

:). Gembira dpt membantu...

Lagi satu berita gembira dari kg.

Alhamdulillah.. mak sedara shaja sendiri... pada awalnya mcm tak yakin AL nie boleh mengurangkan sakit2 badan yg dia alami ...tapi lepas 2 tin minum..dia sendiri sampaikan berita gembira pd Abah saya....semlm dpt call dari Abah " M'teh kata skrg sakit2 badan dah kurang !..lega Abah dengaq. Dah minta belikan stok susu... " .. boleh rasa Abah happy sgt dpt bantu family sendiri. Abah shaja selalu risau nak kenalkan pd family, takut sedara mara ingat nak promote brg MLM..mahal plak tu. jadi bila M'teh bagitau yg memang berkesan....senang hati Abah...:). saya pun senang hati !


Monday, August 17, 2009

Antibodi kanak-kanak...

Received an email asking about AL..so decided to share with everyone my reply to her...... thank you.



Hi..I did some research about alpha lipid & luckly found ur blog..& rasa berminat nk tahu dgn lanjut about ALJuz few questions....

1) Boleh ke baby ambil alpha lipid (my baby 1yr 3month)..tiada apa2 effect ke?

2) I'm pregnant for 2nd baby but still have intention to breastfeed my 1st baby..so, ada testimoni tak from ur customer yg mengatakan production susu meningkat slps ambil AL ni?looking foward for ur reply & thanks for ur intention..



Thank you for your email.

I memang bagi pd anak2 i...sejak sebulan yg lepas.. awal2 dulu rasa mcm costly gak nak bg pd anak2 i, tapi bila h1n1 kes dah menular, we all risau coz anak i yg 4 thn tu baru sekolah taska.. tapi mmg selalu catch flu+cough .. so we decided to give them that drink every morning. Sorang lg blum sekolah.. dah 2.5 years, paling susah mkan ubat. Nasib susu nie diorang bleh plak minum. So far..i memang perasan antibodi diorang much2 better..i bancuh 1.5 scoop.. share 2 org.

My youngest baru 6 months+..baru2 nie jer i campur skit susu tu dlm meal...masa makan bubur/biskut baby..i campur dlm 1 sudu kecik..campur skit air sejuk....sekali jer sehari...baru 2 weeks..and so far she's ok.. sihat..alhamdulillah.

I nie cuak skit psal H1N1 nie.... and i memang believe this product ( like our own colostrum ) sgt2 bagus untuk antibodi anak2 kita...klau u nak try bagi pd baby you..u can try mcm i buat..mix dgn food and start skit jer dulu. I think max is half scoop/day, good enogh for 1year+ baby.

Next about increase the milk production. Yg ini memang i memang ada direct testimonial. coz at first my fren actually minum tu nak tambah berat badan but at the same time she realize that her milk production has increase...so after a week she decided to drink twice/day 2 scoop each time.. Her baby age 2 years.

I minum 1.5 scoop jer.. once/ day. I hope the vitamins/minerals in this AL will protect my family from any kind of disease .. Minta dijauhkan..Insyallah.

I hope the above info helps..anything just give a call ya.. thank yo so much. :)


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Perlu Rakan Niaga dari Johor SEGERA

Saya amat memerlukan rakan niaga/wakil dlm jualan Alpha Lipid yg berada di Johor. Tak semestinya anda perlu ambil samapi 30 tin untuk jadi wakil pengedar... asalkan anda yakin anda mampu BERJAYA.. harap dpt hubungi saya segera.
Jom sama2 menjadi wanita, ibu dan isteri yang berjaya dlm dunia perniagaan !

Monday, August 3, 2009

Bussiness Presentation for August

Makluman untuk semua,Jadual Bisnes Presentation (BP) Alpha Lipid Lifeline untuk Malaysia, Singapor dan Indonesia adalah seperti berikut:

Harap Maklum bahawa tempat BP di Kuala Lumpur telah berpindah ke Tingkat 2, Wisma Sejarah, Jalan Tun Razak, KL setiap rabu 830malam, mulai Hari Rabu 5 ogos.

2Ogos Ahad-330ptg KUANTAN, di Kolej IKIP Kubang Buaya

3Ogos Isnin- 830mlm TAWAU, Sabah di Hotel Heritage

4Ogos Selasa- 830mlm KOTA KINABALU, Sabah di Theater Room, Marina Golf Club Sutera Harbour

4Ogos Selasa- 830mlm BANGI, Selangor di Dewan PKNS Bangi Section7

5Ogos Rabu-830mlmKL di Wisma Sejarah, Jln Tun Razak (bersebelahan Perpustakaan Negara, next to IJN)

11Ogos Selasa 830mlm-SPECIAL TRAINING for Leaders di Wisma Sejarah, Jln Tun Razak (masuk rm20 tiket)

12Ogos Rabu-830mlm KL di Wisma Sejarah, Jln Tun Razak (bersebelahan Perpustakaan Negara, next to IJN)

13Ogos Khamis 830mlm -MELAKA di Ayer Keroh Resort

14Ogos Jumaat 830mlm -JOHOR BAHRU di Hotel Tropical Inn 830mlm

15Ogos Sabtu 830mlm-SINGAPORE 1st ROYALTY EVENT di Foyer 1,2nd Floor, Hall E, Singapore Expo, $5 dollar per person entrance fee.

18Ogos Selasa -INDONESIA di Jakarta

730pm(tempat akan diumumkan kemudian)

19Ogos Rabu-KL 830mlm di Wisma Sejarah, Jln Tun Razak (bersebelahan Perpustakaan Negara, next to IJN)

22Ogos Sabtu ALOR SETAR Pusat latihan Pertanian, Jln Yan 2ptg

23Ogos Ahad PULAU PINANG- Perpustakaan Awam Seberang jaya 2ptg

26Ogos Rabu KL 830mlm di Wisma Sejarah, Jln Tun Razak (bersebelahan Perpustakaan Negara, next to IJN)


Thursday, July 30, 2009

Why I belive it so much.

From day 1 taking Alpha Lipid, I start to do research on the ingredients..the benefits and any kind of side effects ( good n bad ). This is to make sure that I know what I'm selling. And if there's any Q about the product I can give the best answer, based on facts ... not just other's testimonial. At least I'm telling the truth.. nothing but only the truth..

Logiknyer memang tak semua org sesuai dgn Alpha Lipid...as I said .. ini bukan ubat magic yg boleh ilangkan semuaaaaaaaaa penyakit dan masalah kita. Tapi kalau memang kita, anak atau parents kita sakit... tak ker ada terdetik di hati nak berusaha mencari jalan memulihkan kesihatan tu...dengan ape jua petua dan cara.

Doctor pun kalau ada pesakit yg terpaksa melalui pembedahan mcm sakit jantung contohnyer... ade ker dia cakap..." saya yakin..lepas bedah nie anda akan sihat seperti sediakala." ... Ada ke?? ...selalunya... doctor akan kata... kita akan BERUSAHA sedaya upya..dan insyallah kalau takder ape2 masalah ... pesakit boleh pulih. They always make sure we understand that there's no guarantee.

Sama lah jugak dengan minuman2 kesihat yg ada..tak kisahlah traditional ker moden...takder jaminan yg diberikan " IT WILL WORK ! " ...tapi tak salahkan kalau berdasarkan testimonial pengguna sebelum2 nie...kita berusaha dan mencuba.

Thats why I never encourage any patients with bad health condition to straight away consume 2 or 1.5 scoops /day. Please... give your body a try first..take only HALF SCOOP / day.We never know unless we try and there's no harm trying coz Alpha Lipid contains no other that good nutritions, vitamins and minerals. if after a week...your body shows some good progress..no rejection... then you can increase to 2 scoop/day. And please...dont skip ...continue everyday or else you wont say much a progress that soon.

My friends now taking even 2 scoops twice a day. reason being..she discovered that by taking this nutrition product, her milk production has increase, and she wish to continue breastfeeding her baby gal. So..twice a day..is it too much..For her No..coz she feels much better and healthier. You also can try and if its ok....go on.. As long as its giving you and your family benefits...why not right ?.

SO you will never know how good it is until you give it a try... and what you need is to pick up your phone and just give me a call 013-3405321/012-21 884 21 ... OR... just drop me an email at shaja_ratul@yahoo.com . I'm happy to help you anytime, anyday.

Till next article..take care !

Thank you

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Welcome to our group Waheeda and Rabia

Bulan ini kami mendapat 2 ahli baru..welcome! ... dan TAHNIAH kerana berani mengambil risiko bersama2 saya dan ahli2 yg lain. Lets get out of our comfort zone... and achive our target together...

Untuk mengetahui kenapa Waheda bertindak untuk terus menjadi pengguna tegar ..:D .. dan juga pengedar ALPHA LIPID yang berwibawa..hehehehe..baca ceritanyer .. boleh ke blog ini : http://wahedaamran.blogspot.com/

Alpha Lipid ubat kurus ????? yer ker ??

One people ask me....Boleh kurus ke kalau minum Susu ni ??

My answer : ALPHA LIPID buka ubat kurus...but the Probiotics in ALPHA LIPID is powerful enough to help you reduce weight. How ??? I found this article that explain further :

Probiotics for weight loss can be found in most yoghurts and yoghurt based drinks. They are also found in lots of other foods too and can be found at supermarkets and are now highly advertised on the television. These healthy bacteria can prevent digestive problems and is also known to help Crohn's disease sufferers.

Probiotics for weight loss also helps the thyroid gland which in turn helps the digestive system. This gives people with thyroid problems a much needed helping hand in losing their excess weight.

An important part in losing weight is to ensure that your digestive system is working to its best ability and probiotics for weight loss can do this.The over eating of yeast is a major factor of weight gain and by taking a probiotic for weight loss will prevent the pounds from piling on.
If you decide that taking a probiotic for weight loss you should always use the most effective strain of probiotics which creates an environment that yeasts cannot survive in. .

Remember that they must be kept cool to prevent them from 'dying' and becoming useless.

"Jadi minum Alpha Lipid dengan air sejuk dan pastikan semasa perut kosong...dia akan terus mencuci usus kita dan menjadikan kita lebih sihat !"

article source :http://ezinearticles.com/?Try-Probiotics-For-Healthy-Weight-Loss&id=558177

The goodness of Probiotics in Alpha Lipid

Alpha Lipid have good Probiotics...and some of you might not know what is Probiotics....apakah itu Probiotics kawan-kawan ??

A probiotic is an organism which contributes to the health and balance of the intestinal tract. A probiotic is also referred to as the "friendly", "beneficial", or "good" bacteria which when ingested acts to maintain a healthy intestinal tract and help fight illness and disease.

Dalam erti kata lain Probiotic adalah bakteria yang sgt mesra usus ! ...kalau nak usus kita sihat...and avoid diarrhea,constipation ( sembelit ) , bloated stomach ( kembung perut) , week immune system( lemah sistem pertahanan badan )....we have to make sure that we consume probiotic daily !

Thats why you need to drink ALPHA LIPID in the morning ( empty stomach ) and NEVER mix it with hot water....it will kill all the good bacteria !

And also this is the main reason for this product is to be soooo effective..anyone that has a problem that comes from unhealthy eating habits, too much bad bacteria ( drugs/antibiotics/painkillers ) and stressss that somehow disturb our intestines ( usus )...ALPHA LIPID formula have the cure for that. It heals our intestines and within few days...you can already see the results.


You must have heard and drink many other probiotics drinks...like VITIGEN and YAKULT...yesssss....itulah minuman yg ada byk probiotics. And now ALPHA LIPID also has it too!!.

Jadi marilah sama2 kita pastikan anak-anak kita pun kekal sihat dgn pengambilan probiotics yg cukup. :D

Lets join our group...I will explain further..need more info feel free to call me 013-3405321


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

kenapa perlu bergantung dgn ubat utk hidup ?

Adalah dimaklumkan bahawa produk Alpha Lipid Lifeline ini adalah susu kolostrum, sejenis makanan semulajadi anugerah ilahi kepada manusia.

Ramai yang menganggap ia sebagai UBAT! Sebab itu ramai yang bertanya adakah perlu kelulusan KKM dan sebagainya...
Ramai orang menjadikan UBAT sebagai makanan mereka...contoh setiap hari ambil segenggam ubat spt ubat darah tinggi, ubat kencing manis, ubat kolesterol, ubat gout, ubat gastrik, ubat migrain, dan pelbagai ubat lagi.....

Ramai yang makan ubat setiap hari dah bertahun-tahun. Mereka menjadikan ubat seperti makanan harian (kerana mereka tiada pilihan...). Hari-hari makan ubat! Sedangkan kita tahu bahawa UBAT adalah RACUN (Drug is categorized as Poison by Drug Law).

Kesan sampingan jangka masa panjang akan menimpa pesakit yang selalu menjadikan ubat sebagai makanan mereka.
Berlainan dengan pemakanan kesihatan, spt Alpha Lipid Lifeline.
Ia adalah makanan semulajadi yang bebas toksik, tiada pengawet, bebas bahan kimia. Jika kita amalkan pemakanan yang berkhasiat dan berkualiti tinggi, sudah pasti ia akan membantu tubuh badan kita menjadi sihat.

Tambahan pula kolostrum adalah bahan yang telah dikaji oleh pelbagai saintis di seluruh dunia, Lebih 8000 kajian klinikal telah dibuat. Memang terbukti ianya mempunyai komponen AntiBodi dan faktor pertumbuhan yang boleh membantu menstabilkan sel-sel dan sistem tubuh badan kita.

Seelok-eloknya kita PATUT menjadikan MAKANAN sebagai UBAT kita, bukan UBAT sebagai MAKANAN kita.

Alpha Lipid Lifeline ini sama kategori macam MILO...minuman sarapan pagi...sarapan pagi yang amat berkhasiat dan berfaedah untuk manusia. Adakah kita tanya syarikat Nestle pengeluar MILO , ada kelulusan KKM? Adakah perlu kita tanya apakah kandungan detailnya?
Yang paling penting ialah kita mengamalkannya sebagai SARAPAN PAGI SETIAP HARI. InsyaAllah anda akan bertambah sihat dan dijauhi Penyakit.

[Info ini diambil dari web Wan Hamidi Wan Sulaiman, Ahli FarmasiB.Pharm (Hons) USM 1996]

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Bonus dah masuk

Semlm dah check .... bonus dah masuk...happy2. Ingat nak guna beli baju raya budak2 nie. sekrang SALE ended rasanyer end of August. Shopping jom !

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Hari yang best

Today the wheather is soooo good. Dari pagi cuaca cantik mcm waktu pukul 7pagi.. teduh ..sejuk jer. My daughter still berair hidung...luckily the other two still ok. with the H1N1 virus spreading like crazy...hopefully my daughter will recover soon. Last night have to stay at home just to make sure she slept well. Pity my hubby got to go to Sg Buluh a alone to deliver Alpha Lipid to our downline....sure boring drive sensorang, tanpa co driver yg memang ada jer gosip sepanjang2 perjalanan tu..ekekeke... thank you dear for your support. Luv u !

Monday, July 13, 2009

Colostrum... give your body the best suppliment

For centuries colostrum has been considered a potent health aid all over the world. It's a universally accepted natural health food, usually without side effects. Over the years, researches have proven the outstanding health benefits offered by quality colostrum.

No matter the age, gender, or even species, colostrum can revitalize the health of all living beings.

The list of diseases colostrum is believed to cure is impressive. Researches have confirmed that colostrum can cure anemia, asthma, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, diabetes, emphysema, gout, gingivitis, hemorrhoids, influenza, lupus, joint injuries and post-surgery pain, multiple sclerosis, nerve injuries, shingles, stress, stroke, temper outbursts, tendonitis, thyroid disorders, ulcers, and more.

People all over the world take antibiotics to fight diseases. But antibiotics are artificial and they usually come with side affects. Colostrum is as effective as an antibiotic for many diseases but without the side affects. Also, the growth factors found in colostrum can reverse or repair the damage caused by age, injury and more.

Colostrum helps athletes and body builders by building lean muscle mass and it burns fat because it has IGF-1, which metabolizes fat for energy.

And colostrum can work wonders for children, as it revitalizes memory, improves concentration, and develops a strong immune system in kids. Even pets can benefit from bovine colostrum, since the bovine variety is the only colostrum in nature that is not species-specific.

Consumption of colostrum also improves prostate health, speeds healing of injuries, improves hair growth, reduces allergy symptoms, and it can even improve your sex life. To be able to enjoy all the benefits of bovine colostrum, it should be obtained from the first milking.

Colostrum provides detailed information about colostrum, colostrum benefits, colostrum milk, colostrum and pregnancy and more.

Colostrum is the sister site of Progesterone Benefit.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Damian_Sofsian

Asthma and colostrum

A 2003 study by the Health Sciences Department of the University of South Australia suggests that taking concentrated bovine colostrum supplements could reduce the incidence of upper respiratory tract infections.

The study involved subjects being randomly allocated to consume 60g/day of Colostrum for eight weeks, then examining their occurrence of symptoms.

Results from the first week were kept separate from those from the last seven weeks. The results showed that during the first week of supplementation, there was no measurable difference in symptoms in the proportion of subjects taking the supplement as opposed to those who didn't.

During the subsequent seven weeks, however, a much lower percentage of the subjects taking Colostrum reported upper respiratory infection related symptoms. Symptom duration, however, did not differ.

This suggests that the immune benefits achieved by Colostrum can be very good in terms of being a preventative, but that it does not have any measurable effect on an infection once it has already taken hold.

That is why it is important to use Colostrum properly, as a preventative, and not depend on it to cure illness.

These overall results of this research study show that while Concentrated Bovine Colostrum doesn't take effect immediately,

it does have definite immune enhancing and infection preventing effects when taken consistently, over an extended period of time.

About The AuthorJeremy Maddock is the webmaster of http://www.immunewellness.com - your source for high quality information about a variety of health products, including Colostrum (www.immunewellness.com/colostrum.htm).

Bila Umminyer sakit...

Really hate it if myself catch a flu or sore throat...since I'm still brestfeeding..I cant take any strong medicine.. even panadol is not advisable. So will have to use traditional health remedy to get better.

My hubby said...try to drink Alpha Lipid twice a day... hope it helpss...coz normally if I'm sick....there's a chance the whole family will get that tooo....i mean the virusssss..I guess no ice for me today .. tomorrow..and the day after tomorrow...bla bla bla..

ermmmm...thinking of giving all my kids Alpha Lipid tomrrow morning ... hope it will help to improve their antibody, and also mine of course!

My progress ...
Feeling much better ....will continue to take twice a day...harap2 nyer boelh sembuh sakit tekak nie sebelum jadi lebih teruk...insyallah.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Apa itu sakit GOUT


  • Gout adalah sejenis penyakit akibat berlebihan asid urik di dalam badan.
  • Asid urik adalah bahan kumuhan berasal dari sejenis protein yang dipanggil purin.
  • Badan kita membuang bahan kumuhan ini melalui air kencing (urin).
  • Bagi pengidap gout, asid urik yang berlebihan tidak dibuang dan berkumpul di dalam sendi.
  • Ia adalah salah satu penyakit yang paling lama dihidapi manusia, sejak zaman dahulu kala lagi.
  • Pada masa dahulu gout boleh menyebabkan kemudaratan dan kecacatan, kini dengan kemajuan dalam bidang perubatan, gout boleh dikawal.
  • Ia sering dihidapi oleh kaum lelaki dalam lingkungan usia antara 30 hingga 60 tahun.
  • Ia jarang sekali dihidapi oleh kaum wanita sebelum putus haid.

Tanda Gout

  • Gout lazimnya menyerang ibu jari kaki.
  • Ibu jari kaki menjadi merah, panas, bengkak dan tersangat sakit.
  • Serangan selalunya berlaku secara tiba-tiba, kerap kali semalaman.
  • Sendi yang diserang menjadi bisa sehinggakan geseran dengan selimut pun begitu menyeksakan.
  • Sakit mungkin berlarutan berhari-hari, atau sekurang-kurangnya 1-2 minggu untuk reda jika tidak dirawat.
  • Sakit mungkin menyerang kembali selepas berminggu atau bulan.
  • Gout boleh menyerang sendi-sendi lain seperti buku lali, lutut, pergelangan tangan dan jari.


  • Asid urik boleh berkumpul di bawah kulit membentuk benjolan di panggil ’tophi’
  • Dalam saluran urinari (air kencing), ia boleh berkumpul membentuk ’batu karang’.
  • Penghidap gout juga sering menghidapi penyakit atau masalah kesihatan lain seperti:
  • Kegemukan
  • Darah tinggi
  • Hiperlipidemia
  • Diabetes


  • Gout adalah suatu penyakit yang boleh sembuh tetapi anda harus mengambil langkah-langkah untuk mengatasinya.
  • Rawatan serangan akut
  • Rehatkan sendi semasa serangan gout.
  • Ubat-ubatan anti-radang berkesan untuk mengurangkan sakit dan keradangan sendi.
  • Walaupun ia boleh mendatangkan kesan sampingan seperti sakit perut. Jika digunakan dalam jangka masa yang singkat, kesan sampingan jarang berlaku.
  • Ubatan lain seperti colchicine juga boleh diambil. Walaupun ia amat berkesan, ia boleh menyebabkan loya, muntah dan cirit-birit (Peringatan: Colchicine hanya boleh diambil melalui preskripsi doktor)
  • Steroid (Peringatan: Steroid hanya boleh diambil melalui preskripsi doktor)
    Lazimnya cecair steroid disuntik terus ke sendi yang radang
    Pil steroid boleh diambil dalam jangka masa yang pendek jika penghidap tidak boleh mengambil ubat-ubatan yang lain. Walaubagaimanapun, ianya tidak boleh diambil berpanjangan.
  • Sentiasa peka terhadap tanda-tanda awal serangan. Jika rawatan dimulakan awal, penyakit ini tidak akan melarat.

Rawatan Jangka Panjang

  • Oleh kerana gout disebabkan oleh asid urik yang berlebihan dalam badan, anda haruslah mengelakkan faktor-faktor yang boleh menambahkan paras asid urik.
  • Menjaga berat badan – kegemukan boleh mengganggu keupayaan badan untuk mengeluarkan asid urik yang berlebihan
  • Mengelakkan minuman keras
  • Pemakanan – elakkan pengambilan makanan yang mengandungi purin yang tinggi
    Sesetengah daging binatang, makanan laut, kekacang mengandungi purin yang tinggi.


  • Di bawah disenaraikan makanan yang kaya dengan purin:.
  1. Organ dalaman seperti hati, paru-paru, ginjal dan otak
  2. Ikan bilis, kembung, sardin
  3. Daging cincang
  4. Ekstrak daging, ragi (seperti Marmite) dan kiub rebusan daging
  5. Makanan bercengkerang seperti ketam, udang dan kerang
  6. Asparagus, bunga kobis, cendawan dan bayam
  7. Peanuts, lentil, beans and peas
  8. Poultry
  9. Roti jagung dan bijirin


  • Ubah cara hidup anda untuk memastikan paras asid urik yang normal
  • Amalkan cara hidup sihat untuk mengelak dari menghidap penyakit-penyakit yang berhubungkait dengan gout
  • Apabila mengambil Allopurinol, ianya perlu diambil secara berterusan.
  • Jangan mengubah atau menghentikan dos Allopurinol semasa serangan gout.
  • Minum banyak air

Benarkah Gout Penyakit Orang Kaya?

Tidak, gout boleh menyerang sesiapa sahaja. Walau bagaimanapun, meminum alkohol dan pemakanan berlebihan boleh dikaitkan dengan kejadian penyakit gout.

Adakah Gout Boleh Diwarisi?

Gout boleh diwarisi tetapi faktor persekitaran juga memainkan peranan
Gout adalah penyakit yang boleh dirawat. Pada zaman dahulu, gout merupakan salah satu penyebab kerosakan dan kecacatan sendi. Pada hari ini, dengan rawatan yang baik, ianya boleh dikawal.

Adalah penting untuk mengamalkan cara hidup sihat.

Dari petikan : http://www.infosihat.gov.my/penyakit/Dewasa/Gout.php

15 cans SOLD OUT in 1 week !

PErcaya tak percaya...my new downline, Pn. Khadijah Warni dari Sg Buluh berjaya menjual 15 tin hanya dlm tempoh masa seminggu ! I went to see her last nite to give her another 15 and to conform her registration as a Supervisor..and she wanted to take another 24 cans. She said..." Makcik pun tak sangka bleh laku...tapi itulah..sedar2 dah habis 15 tin !...:) " Alhamdulillah.

Teringin nak tahu rahsia makcik...senang jer...katanyer beliau dah memang ada ramai kenalan dlm kaw perumah tersebut...dan memang ramai antara mereka yg ada penyakit2 seperti asma/semput, resdung, kencing manis, gaut dan terutamanya sakit lutut. Dulu pun memang beliau sendiri pun sakit lutut...dan cucunya ada resdung yg amat teruk.

" Cucu makcik selalu selsema, bersin, gatal2 hidung.. dia baru 3 thn. Kalau makan tersilap skit, bau pelik2 skit.. sure teruk berair hidung...kesian. Makcik paksa dia minum sekali jer sehari susu tu...awal2 susahhh..tak sedap dia kata , tapi lepas 2 minggu..dia sendiri sanggup minum sebab resdung tu dah kurang..dan skrg memang Alhamdulillah...dah takder bersin2 dah! "

Boleh telefon Pn Khadijah kalau ingin direct testimonial Pn Khadijah ( Sg Buluh ) 0126660903

So...bila dah ada testimonial depan mata....sekejap jer susu tu bleh dijual. Tapi memang rezeki kita tak tahukan...Jom sama2 kita berusaha memjaga kesihatan dan menambah pendapatan.

Saya dan Makcik Khadijah bertekad...RM9K per month....Insyallah !

Bak kata leader Alpha LIpid :


Tuesday, June 30, 2009

BP in Palace Golden Horses

last Wednesday, we joined the Alpha LIpid BP in PGH. Suprised to see the hall full with people...nampaknya memang betul lah org kata produk nie dah mula tersebar ... and more people are joining the network. My friend said last 4 months nak dapat 50 org untuk BP pun susah...tapi itu 4 bulan yg lepas. Now they already move to a new office... since the old one is too small for such a major bussiness.

This months in total I manage to sell 100 cans of Alpha Lipid. Tak terpikir boleh jual more than 30 pun...alhamdulillah sedar2 dah dekat 100..rasanyer next month boleh target to reach that 300 cans. Who knows...rezeki dari Allah...

Jom la join sapa2 yang rasa memang mencari makanan kesihatan/supliment yg sesuai dan ingin mencuba menjana pendapatan sampingan...


Friday, June 19, 2009

Another article found on the internet...


Masa mula2 beli 30 tin Alpha Lipid...mmg target nak minum sendiri dan bagi pada family members jer. Then later hubby suggest to try selling it online. Just creat a blog and put our own testimonial... and we'll see how it goes...oklah why not. Bukan perlu kuar modal pon...just a little bit of effort to maintain a blog...no prob.

And after 3 months..Alhamdulillah ...all 30 cans SOLD OUT...dan saya akan bertukar status ke MANAGER bulan hadapan. Ingatkan mmg akan jadi Supervisor jer....just to get that 25% discount. coz I never think that I can actually go further with this business. Tapi memang tak sangka...this month I already receive my 1st bonus from New Image.

I took 2 months to gain back my money, RM4,500 which I invest to become a supervisor. i managed to sell all 30 cans of Alpha Lipid..some at RM150( if they bought 3 can ) and even some at Rm180 . And now its time to gain PROFIT from my investment. :). Actually by signing up as a Supervisor, I already received RM288 bonus. And starting last April, each can I bought, the company also gave me 25% commision.

The whole family now taking Alpha Lipid as breakfast. Baru-baru nie, my niece also start to drink Alpha Lipid due to her bad astma. Kesian tengok Khautsar bila kena astma...one time tu sampai masuk wad...kena sedut gas...nangis2 tapi terpaksa gak. Cold drinks mmg tak boleh langsung...or else sure batuk malam and later sesak nafas. Takut dengar citer my sis in law.

I suggest to her ... since theres many testimonial on how Alpha Lipid helps Astma patients, why not she give it a try. So...last 2 weeks...she starts to replace Khautsar breakfast with Alpha Lipid milk. Only once a day. Luckily Khautsar love the taste...

And I called her last Saturday. She said :

" Rasanyer ada kesan laaa....batuk still ada tapi dah tak teruk mcm selalu... "

I was soo happy to hear that, and later she ask me

" Susu ada stok lagi ? Ingat nak terus beli jer... "

Adaaaaa! stok sentiasa ada..:)....
and actually most of my client starts with 3 can...and after a month.. they will surely call me back and want to know more about the Alpha Lipid marketing Plan. Thats how I managed to get Supervisors as my downline.

Alhamdulillah, starting next month at MANAGER LEVEL ..I will receive Rm1,000 - RM4,000 bonuses each months. Seronok rasa dpt bantu my niece and at the same time membantu ekonomi keluarga. Semoga Allah mudahkan apa yg kami usahakan

Dan untuk Khautsar... m'ngah doakan awak cepat sembuh yer... nanti Fahim belanja minum Ice Blended Choc yer. :)

Till next article..wassalam


Friday, May 15, 2009

Another testimonial

Alhamdulillah.. now I have my own group in Perlis , Kelantan and also few areas in KL n Selangor. Yesterday, Suffiah my U-mate decided to join my group after seeing for herself the goodness of drinking Alpa Lipid. Her grand mother is very2 ill... last 2 weeks she cant even move any parts of her body. She could only take 2 spoons of porridge everyday... thats all... And later, Suffiah gave her Alpha Lipid..and with Allah's will..last 2 days, her grandma can already turn her head left n right.....the whole family are soo happy with the progress and hopefully more improvement soon. :). I'm so happy for them too...

Wish can help more people soon....

Special Promotion

Get Alpha Lipid as a GIFT for your parents ! 3 can of Alpha Lipid in a basket - free delivery to any area in KL / Selangor. Free shaker. For only RM450 Call now : 013-3405321.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Why ?

Ada orang tanyer " Alpha Lipid nie ubat penyakit ker, penyakit aper ? "

Jawapan saya : Alpha Lipid bukan UBAT. Alpha Lipid Supliment. dan adalah satu minuman yg mengandungi diet lengkap untuk semua peringkat umur.

Dia tanyer lagi " Habis tu macamana org ada sakit segala tu kata boleh sembuh kalau amik alpha lipid ??? "

Jawapan saya : kita kena tahu.. kenapa kita sakit ? contoh nyer , kenapa abah saya sakit lutut..doc kata sebab dia tak cukup kalsium tak cukup vitamin... ubat nyer : kena byk makan makanan yg high calsium...susu contohnyer. DAN ALPHA LIPID BOLEH MEMBANTU ( mengandungi pelbagai vitamin dan kalsium yg tinggi )
kenapa makcik kita sakit kencing manis ...sebab kandungan gula yg terlampu... diet yg salah dan tak terurus...ALPHA LIPID BOLEH MEMBANTU ( diet yg cukup lengkap...vitamin yg byk..membantu organ dlm badan berfungsi dgn baik...dan secara tidak langsung akan membantu mengurangkan tahap gula dlm badan )...tapi jgnlah sampai tinggalkan pesan doc, tak exercise....tak ada pantang larang... mcm mana nak sihat ?
kenapa kita boleh dpt kanser ?? sebab sel canser membiak dgn kehadiran toksid2 dlm badan yg dtg dari makanan/minumam kita sehari2... kalau kita tak buang toksid2 tu....sel2 kanser akan senang terbentuk dn merebak. ALPHA LIPID BOLEH MEMBANTU... membuang toksid dlm badan dan membantu pertumbuhan sel2 baru yg sihat.

sebab tulah ALPHA LIPID bukan ubat.... kalau mmg seseorang tu dlm tahap kritikal.. mmg alpha lipid tak tentu mampu jadi " ubat ajaib" nak hilangkan terus segala2 penyakit2 tu. Kalau tak surely dah keluar news dah ada ubat cancer.... Silapnyer : Kenapalah kita perlu tunggu sampai ke tahap kritikal baru nak cari ubat nyer......

I have nothing against other suppliment/product. My concern is everyone should know that your health is very2 important and you need to take care of your body as early as possible. If you think by taking other product or vitamins can help...then go ahead... its a good way to maintain good lifestyle... but if you are still looking for an option...we can recommend you our product :

Alpha Lipid Colostrum.... once you try it.. you can feel the difference.


My 2 cents

Pernahkah anda terfikir betapa ramai antara kita tidak sedar yang diri kita sudah 'sakit'. Simpton2 kecil mungkin sudah ada....tapi kita yg terlalu sibuk dgn kerja 24-7..sehingga terlupa. Banyak penyakit hanya disedari bila sudah terlalu kritikal dan tak mampu ditangani. Dan kita akan terpaksa bergantung dengan ubat-ubatan, rawatan susulan dan pembedahan untuk meneruskan kehidupan. Masa tu mungkin kita akan tertanya DI MANAKAH SILAP KITA ????

Jawapannya : Pemakanan kita sehari2...Sekarang terlalu banyak 'perisa tambahan' dlm makanan yang menambah kandungan toksid dlm badan. Malah sayur pun ada yg tercemar dgn racun yg melebihi had. Takut kan ?Sebab tu makin banyak jugak makanan/supliment tambahan yang terjual di pasaran terutamanya yang berperanan membuang toksid. Dan makin ramai mula sedar MENCEGAH LEBIH BAIK DARI MENGUBATI

Colostrum adalah suppliment yg mengandungi diet lengkap untuk memelihara diri kita dari pelbagai penyakit. Maka terhasillah Alpha Lipid dari New Zealand yang telah terbukti mampu memberi ' semangat' dan ' kekuatan' baru pada tubuh kita untuk SIHAT dan mampu MELAWAN PENYAKIT.

Dulu saya pernah ingat lagi... arwah datuk sendiri selalu ada bekalan ubat yang perlu diambil hari-hari. Tak boleh tinggal even for 1 day...since ada nearly 5 different pills...he always need our help to make sure he took the correct one at the correct dose.

Rasanyer mmg kebanyakan kita yg berumur >50 years akan memerlukan bantuan ubat. Kalau yang masih sihat selalunya yang sentiasa mengambil suppliment/ jamu dan sentiasa jaga makan.

My mum said skrg semua 'segera ' . Makanan pun segeraaaa jer semua . :) . entah aper yg dimasukkan dlm paket2 segera tu pun kita tak sure kan. tapi dgn kesibukan dan masa yg rasa terlalu singkat.... we normally just ignore it. Yang paling mudah dan segara selalu menjadi keutamaan. Just if you can avoid taking this fastfood/junkfood once in a while, i think its good.

Since my mum always HATE to see her kids eating junkfood...like potato chip..nachos..dan lain2 tu...i also do the same with my kids. And i never let them drink any soft drinks. Kalau minum jer sure berkerut kerut muka my son. Maybe once they are old enough to have that...i would just have to let them...:). The qtty of sugar is too high and so many kids have obesity problem because they drink too much soft drinks. Scary huh.....

So... be careful with what eat and drink. You might regret it one day.


Saturday, May 9, 2009

Salam & Hi to all,

Last week I manage to sell 6 can ! And that moment I start to believe that this bussiness really2 works ! not simply give us more healthy life... but the profit out of it! Awesome ! Because of that, I decided to attend New Image Success School. I was held at Sunway Hotel last saturday. So now I have a clear understanding of their bussiness/marketing plan.

To those who know me personally surely know that I also have another business : Shajaratul Design. I has been 5 years now and by doing Alpha Lipid as my side business, somehow it contributes to my cash flow. Since I dont rely on any loans ( not yet ! ..:) ) my cashflow is very2 important. Insyallah Shajaratul Design can grow 'bigger' and at the same time my ALpha network is also expending. Pray hard for that .:)


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Frequently Asked Questions

Can children take colostrums?
Absolutely. Alpha Lipid Colostrum from New Image can help growing children in many ways, from better concentration, increased memory plus children have a higher tendency to catch colds and illness from other schoolmates and Alpha Lipid colostrum will help immensely.

Can I take colostrum with other supplements and medications?
Alpha Lipid Colostrum from New Image actually helps your body and works to regulate your body's absorption rates. Alpha Lipid Colostrum heals the digestive tract so well that all substances eaten internally (food, herbs, natural healing substances, and medications) will become more bioavailability to the body. Although Alpha Lipid colostrum has no known drug interactions, you may find that the other supplements and medications that you are taking could have a more pronounced amd beneficial effect.

Do the immunoglobulins and growth factors in colostrum survive pasteurisation?
Tests carried out on Alpha Lipid colostrum (which is flash pasteurised at 72o C for 15 seconds) show that Alpha Lipid colostrum from New Image retains its bioactivity during this process.

How is colostrum differing From Plain Milk?
Alpha Lipid Colostrum from New Image not only contains all the goodness of milk but also contains significant levels of growth promoting and disease fighting substances commonly referred to as growth factors, immune factors and immunoglobulins. These substances are also present in milk but at negligible levels. Further, Alpha Lipid colostrum has a much higher protein, vitamin, and mineral content and is lower in lactose.

How does colostrum interact with other medicines and supplements?
Alpha Lipid Colostrum actually helps your body, and works to regulate your body's absorption rates. In effect, you will be getting more bang for your buck with everything you consume, whether it is water, supplements or food. You will be getting greater benefits because your body will be able to utilise the constituents more. You may even find that you don't need to take as much as normal because your body is able to absorb all the nutrients.

How does colostrum produce the anti-aging results?
Alpha Lipid Colostrum works with your body to utilise its natural substances and increases your overall health. After puberty our body begins slowing down the production of growth hormones. These hormones are necessary for the reproduction of all of our body's cellular tissue. It has been shown that by age 80 we are producing virtually no growth hormones and thus, we age and die. Alpha Lipid Colostrum's growth factors are the actual hormones that stimulate the normal reproduction of body cellular tissue. Normal reproduction means just that (normal) not aged, cancerous, wrinkled, or weakened. The New England Journal of Medicine (a few years back) stated that the most effective anti-aging process would be simply the replacement of growth hormones at proper levels to slow, possibly stop and even reverse the aging processes.

How Does Colostrum Work?
The main function in the new-born is in the form of transfer of passive immunity from the mother to the child. The mother has been exposed to a variety of environmental factors and organisms to which her immune system has produced antibodies during her lifetime. In transfer of passive immunity the mother passes on her complement of antibodies to these various factors onto her offspring. In humans and apes the mother passively immunises her young in-utero by passage of antibodies through the placenta. In animals where maternal antibodies do not pass the placental barrier (horses, cattle, pigs, and sheep) the young are passively immunised immediately after birth by way of colostrum. In these species the maternal antibodies present in the colostrum are absorbed directly through the gut in the first few days following birth.

How much colostrum should I take?
The amount of Alpha Lipid colostrum you take varies from person to person. The label suggests 2 to 3 capsules twice daily, but if you are recovering from an injury you may want to start by taking more than this. Also, if you feel a cold or flu coming on, you may want to increase your dosage, to help you recover more quickly and relieve your symptoms.

I am vegetarian and I do not eat animal food.
Alpha Lipid Colostrum from New Image is neither animal nor vegetable. We take very good care of our cattle and make sure they are healthy and live a long happy life. Mother Nature produced colostrum for every mammal on Earth and it is by far the healthiest choice as a food and health supplement. With that said, the choice is completely yours as to whether you use Alpha Lipid Colostrum from New Image or not.

I don't want to take colostrum away from the baby calf's that need it!
Don't worry; we don't deprive calves of their colostrum. Calves need it as much as any mammal and many calves would die without it. There is always surplus. We make sure the calves get their fill first and then we take the remainder.

Is Bovine Colostrum Safe?
Bovine colostrum has been used for years as a food supplement. It's use and safety is well documented. Alpha Lipid Colostrum from New Image is completely safe; it has no negative side effects and is a whole and natural food that can be consumed in ANY quantity. There are absolutely no toxicity levels. Further, the manufacture and use of dairy products and their associated safety and nutritional benefits are also well known. Thorough quality control management of the entire manufacturing process, from collection of the colostrum through to packaging and storage, ensures that Alpha Lipid colostrum from New Image is delivered in perfect condition, certified to be fit for human consumption.

Should Colostrum be pasteurised?
Absolutely! Cow manure can easily splash onto the udders of cows, contaminating them with E-coli, salmonella and other pathogenic bacteria. This creates the potential for contamination of dairy products.
Dairy products (for human consumption) must be pasteurised to kill these pathogens. There are two ways of pasteurising colostrum - the optimal flash (15 second) pasteurisation and a slow 30-minute vat process. Flash pasteurisation uses the expensive, high-tech equipment found in the modern dairy that does not denature the colostrum. With the less expensive, 30-minute pasteurisation process, a huge vat of colostrum is heated from the outside. It takes a long time to heat a large kettle of colostrum to the required temperature. During this interval, bacteria grow in the colostrum.
As the bacteria feed upon the colostrum, it denatures and destroys its effectiveness. Most colostrum that is being sold to the public today has been prepared for the animal feed market and has not been pasteurised. Alpha Lipid Colostrum from New Iamge is pasteurised to the most demanding of International Standards - 72°C for 15 seconds - to ensure the highest microbiological quality.

Should I be taking colostrum if I am pregnant?
Alpha Lipid Colostrum definitely will not hurt you or your foetus, but as always with anything you take during pregnancy, you should check with your health care professional first. Once your baby is born, it would be beneficial to start taking Alpha Lipid colostrum right away. Alpha Lipid Colostrum will help boost your immune system, which suffers during child birth. It will help you recover faster and Alpha Lipid Colostrum will also help you to lose those extra pounds associated with pregnancy much more quickly.

What about my pets? Can they benefit from colostrum?
Yes! As a matter of fact, most pets love Alpha Lipid colostrum. Bovine colostrum is not species specific. Dogs and cats will gain many health benefits from Alpha Lipid colostrum.

What are Antibodies?
Antibodies are very specialised molecules that are produced by the body's immune system. They are produced in response to the host being exposed to an immunogenic or foreign substance (antigen) such as an infectious microbe. Their action is to ward off and/or neutralise potential disease-causing agents. An important feature of antibodies is that they are directed specifically to the antigen that induced their formation.

What are growth factors?
Growth factors are very small bioactive molecules, which promote growth and maturation of various cell types and tissues. They are found in very high concentrations in Alpha Lipid colostrum. They not only stimulate normal growth and development but also help regenerate and accelerate the repair of aged or injured muscle, skin, bone, cartilage and nerve tissues. Growth factors also stimulate the body to burn fat for fuel instead of muscle tissue in times of fasting or dieting. They also help build lean muscle and have been shown to have a positive effect on athletic performance.

What are Immune Factors?
In addition to immunoglobulins, there are other substances in Alpha Lipid colostrum that have an immune function. Collectively, these are termed "Immune Factors". Their function is to complement the various functions associated with the immune response.

What are Immunoglobulins?
The immunoglobulins are a group of specialised bioactive proteins or molecules found in serum and other tissue fluids, including the milk of all mammals. There are five classes of immunoglobulin that are recognised in mammals - Immunoglobulin G (IgG), Immunoglobulin A (IgA), Immunoglobulin M (IgM), Immunoglobulin E (IgE), and Immunoglobulin D (IgD).
The function of these molecules is to bind to invading organisms and to activate specific actions that help prevent to prevent infection and to rid the body of disease causing agents. They function in cell killing, inflammation and prevention of bacterial and viral attachment. The most prevalent class of immunoglobulin in all species is IgG. Immunoglobulins have an integral role in the immune defence system in that they form antibodies.

What if I'm a sports person?
Sports people's bodies need optimum nutrition and they frequently injure themselves when playing sport. Using Alpha Lipid colostrum is vital for sports people, both for optimum and faster rates of healing after injury. Referring to the growth factors, these help build lean muscle and have been shown to have a positive effect on athletic performance.

What if I'm lactose intolerant?
The amount of lactose in Alpha Lipid colostrum is scant - 163 mg. in two capsules compared to 13,000 mg. in one 8-oz glass of milk. In fact, we know of people with severe lactose intolerance since young who have taken Alpha Lipid colostrum successfully, with no ill effects. Further, they later became lactose tolerant and could use a full range of dairy products. Any discomfort would more likely be a sign that Alpha Lipid colostrum is healing the digestive tract.

What if I'm over weight?
Alpha Lipid Colostrum from New Image is great for making the body work more effectively, which makes weight loss easier. As mentioned previously, growth factors stimulate the body to burn fat for fuel instead of muscle tissue, in times of fasting or dieting.

What is Colostrum?
Colostrum is the first food for growth and immunity; it is the pre-milk or rather the first lacteal secretion that is produced by the mother in all mammals, immediately following the birth of her young. Colostrum is frequently referred to as "life’s first food". It not only supports life but also makes it flourish. Colostrum is produced in the first few days following the birth of the new-born.
Each drop of Alpha Lipid Colostrum contains the promise of life: the immunoglobulins, growth factors, antibodies, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, and other substances designed to provide the body with the ability to face a lifetime of invasion by micro-organisms and environmental toxins. Alpha Lipid Colostrum from New Image is a non-toxic, non-allergenic food supplement that has no negative interactions with drugs, food or other supplements.

What is Immuno-Supplementation?
Iimmuno-supplementation with bovine antibodies has been shown to be an effective means of providing local protection to the gastrointestinal tract against disease.
Bovine immunoglobulin in the form of antibodies, both specific and non-specific, has been shown to be effective against various diseases. In trials it has been successfully shown that specific antibodies in bovine milk are effective against both enteropathogenic and enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli, cryptosporidium, rotavirus, and Shigella flexneri.

What is Passive Immunity?
In all species of mammals, the transfer of passive immunity occurs where the mother passes on her complement of antibodies to her young. In the case of the new-born this helps in protecting the young against potential pathogen agents until the time it's own immune system is sufficiently developed to ward off infection by itself.

What is Passive Local Protection?
In humans, passive transmission of immunity occurs prior to birth and thus a new-born human baby at birth is born with a complement of maternal antibodies. After birth, the antibodies present in human colostrum and milk function in local protection of the gut. In animals like the horse, cow, sheep, and goat, passive transmission of maternal antibodies occurs in the first 20-48 hours following birth by the secretion and delivery of colostrum.

During this time the new-born animal absorbs intact maternal antibodies present in the colostrum directly through the digestive tract. After the first few days, the animal's digestive tract matures (gut closure) and the direct adsorption of intact antibodies cease. At this point any antibodies present in the colostrum and milk act in local protection of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.

What is the Immune System?
The immune system is a natural defence mechanism by which the body fights infection. It is divided into two functional systems, the innate and adaptive immune systems.

What is the Innate Immune System?
This is the first line of defence by which the host combats infectious agents and pathogenic microbes. This is non-specific response, which proves effective against most infective agents. The skin is part of the innate immune system, as it acts as a preventive barrier to most infective agents.

What is the Adaptive Immune System?
The adaptive immune system produces a specific response to an infective agent. This specific response is in the form of antibodies, which are produced to neutralise the invading agent.
An important feature of the adaptive immune system is that it involves memory, in that it brings about resistance to repeated exposure or infection by the same invading agent. The importance of this memory factor is seen in childhood diseases such as Chicken Pox, Measles, and Mumps in which the adaptive immune system produces a life-long immunity following infection.

When is colostrum collected?
The first colostrum collected after birth is reserved for the new-born calf. New Image colostrum is collected within first 36 hours.

Why Bovine Colostrum?
Interestingly, bovine colostrum is the only form of colostrum that is not species specific. In other words, it contains all of the immune and growth factors found in all other sources and thus it can significantly benefit all other mammals, including humans of course.
Because calves are born without any immunity to airborne, disease-causing organisms, their mother’s colostrum must contain a very large amount of immune and health factors. As a result, bovine colostrum has 10 - 21 times the factors of human colostrum, making it the richest source of colostrum available.

Why Can't I Get Colostrum From A Local Farmer?
You can. It needs to be refrigerated and consumed before it spoils. Raw colostrum is not pasteurised and contains immune factors from just one cow. This differs from processed Alpha Lipid colostrum, which is concentrated and provides a broad base of immune factors that have been pooled from hundreds and sometimes thousands of cows.

Why do I need colostrum, as an adult?
The human body produces the maximum amount of growth factors in the early twenties. Once puberty has passed, our bodies begin the aging process by gradually producing less of the immune and growth factors that help us fight off disease and heal damaged body tissue. Alpha Lipid Colostrum is the only natural source of these life-giving components.

Why is Colostrum important?
Colostrum is the first food that is available to the new-born. It is not only highly nutritious but also contains substances (immunoglobulins and immune factors) that help to stimulate and augment the new-born's immune system thus helping to protect the vulnerable new-born from it's new potentially harmful environment (passive transmission of immunity). Further it contains substances (growth factors and cytokines) which act to stimulate the development, maturation and proliferation of various tissues and organs.

The significance of colostrum is best illustrated in farm animals, such as the horse, cow, goat, sheep. In these animals passive transmission of immunity occurs after birth in the form of colostrum. If these animals do not receive colostrum in the first 12 - 24 hours following birth, they have a very good chance of not surviving (mortality rates of up to 25% have been reported).

Why is Local Passive Protection Important?
The importance of passive local protection is evidenced in the new-born calf where diarrhoea and other enteric infections (scours) can prove fatal. It has been widely accepted that the best source of nourishment for the infant mammal is mother's milk. This has largely been attributed to not only the nutritional benefits of mother's milk but also the presence of milk immunoglobulins providing local passive protection of the GI tract.

Why New Zealand Colostrum?
New Zealand Alpha Lipid Colostrum is recognised as the world’s premium colostrum. Why? Because it is collected only from pasture-fed cows, that are pesticide, antibiotic and hormone free. New Zealand has a strong competitive advantage in colostrum production due in part to NZ's dairy cows all calving during a single three-month period each year.

This means NZ Alpha Lipid Colostrum from New Image is collected in bulk and transported in a fresh chilled state from farms to the processing plant, in the same way as milk. This is a critical production advantage, because gentle handling, and low temperature collection and process technology preserve Alpha Lipid Colostrum's active ingredients.

In other countries, colostrum is collected in batches until there is enough to process. This means it must be stored for long periods before processing, so it is frozen. Rapid freezing and rapid thawing techniques prior to processing may cause damage to the protein molecules and may compromise the integrity and biological activity of the immunoglobulins, growth factors and other biologically active components.

The absolutely best source of colostrum is from the early milk of pasture fed, non-hyperimmunised, healthy New Zealand cows. It is our temperate climate combined with our farming practices which make New Zealand the absolute best supplier of Alpha Lipid colostrum. Further, New Zealand milk products are renowned worldwide for their quality and consistency in both manufacture and supply. International quality auditors to ISO 9001 standards certify the testing laboratories and all manufacturing facilities.

Side Effects?
There are no negative side effects when using Alpha Lipid Colostrum from New Image and the growth factors produce significant positive side effects, which are:

Reduces wrinkles
Accelerates fat burning
Regulates mood swings
Balances blood sugar levels
Increases performance
Accelerates wound/tissue healing
Increases mental alertness

Why New Zealand Colostrum?
All colostrum IS NOT the same. From start to finish, Alpha Lipid colostrum harvested from cows raised in New Zealand is superior to any other colostrum in the world. This is all due to the ideal pure climate, pesticide, antibiotic and BSE free pasture-fed cows, highly regulated farming techniques, and a multi-million dollar investment in the equipment necessary to best process Alpha Lipid colostrum from New Image properly. No other colostrum can compare.

"Colostrum is so safe, it has been prepared by nature as the first food for infants. It would be hard to imagine any nutritional substance more natural or beneficial." - International Institute of Nutritional Research

The healing process

Got some info to share with everyone about Alpha Lipid :

PROSES PEMULIHAN Kolostrum Alphalipid merupakan makanan tambahan bukan toksik, bukan alergik dan tidak bertindakbalas dengan makanan tambahan serta dadah lain. Walau bagaimanapun sesetengah orang akan mengalami beberapa reaksi atau tindakbalas yang positif semasa proses pemulihan.


1.Mengantuk dan keletihan - Proses penggantian tisu-tisu badan yang disebabkan penyakit.

2.Berpeluh , demam dan sakit kepala ( terasa mcm byk angin dlm badan ) - Proses peningkatan kadar metabolisme dalam badan akibat daripada pembuangan toksik melalui saluran perkumuhan.

3.Gatal, kerap buang air kecil atau besar - Proses penyingkiran bahan buangan yang lama terkumpul seperti metabolit logam berat dan lain-lain bahan yang tidak diperlukan oleh badan.

I can actually tell you my own experience......dalam proses penyembuhan dan penghasilan sel2 baru ni...so ada simptom2 tertentu and normally you will experience it for few days...then later your body will be in better shape. My own :

1. At night normally I sleep at 12 or later than that... but for the past 2 weeks...11 at most...feel so tired already and easily go to sleep. Terus tertido...silap2 tertido depan TV... they said this is one of the simptom and it will stop once your body is fully recovered from the ' cleaning process '.

2. Kerap ke tandas...

3. My baby, Alya( i full brestfeed her )...for 1 weeks+ she fart a lot...ada skit bau2 yg kurang enak gitu..hehe...but now dah takder. Dah ok...kalau tak mesti jer my eldest son bising " Saper kent*t nie ! Usuknyerrrrrr ! ekekekeke -

Anyone out there that have any other experience ? feel free to drop your comment here...tq.


Good for your skin.....

Update today...

Ada org tegur saya , katanyer nampak sihat dan kulit glowing skrg....aper rahsia...:). Dgn penuh semngat jawab...Kita minum Alpha Lipid !...hehehehehe..came across this one forum, one user posted her testimonial :

"I have been consuming Alpha Lipid for the past 1 month. Am into my 2nd tin now. My boyfriend bought it for me from his office mate who is selling it. It's an MLM thingy. But the product is as good as they claim, no doubt. I havent seen results in terms of diseases or illness coz I dont have anything to cure at the moment, just consuming it to beautify my skin.I have been consuming a collagen powder supplement as well which has indeed given me superb skin but I notice that ever since I started consuming Alpha Lipid together with my collagen supplement, glucosamine, vitamin c and probiotics in the morning, my skin has become even more luminescent and smooth. It's like Alpha Lipid actually doubles the efficacy of my other supplements. That's what I love most bout this product.I read that it actually helps slim a person down but I havent seen that result yet Nway, I think Alpha Lipid is a great product and I plan to consume it every month. "

I truly believes that Alpha Lipid is a good supliment for everyone. Why ? Because it has all the best ingredient, and its MILK....:)


From :http://forum.lowyat.net/topic/850408

Monday, April 27, 2009

My Alya

My precious daughter...Shazatul Alya. Everybody is suprised to know that she is only 3 months old. I'm giving her breast milk and I do believes that Alpha Lipid helps me to increase the milk production and alhamdulillah she's a healthy kid. May Allah bless you always...

Once you try it, u will believe it !

I feel very happy this week. Sales are getting stronger... and most of my 1st time user are interested to become members. And I already have a pharmacy that interested to take this product.

Most of mt client said they are buying this product for the whole family so instead of getting it at RM180/can why not become member and buy 3 can at a cheaper price ( RM150 ). Betul, betul betul ! :D

And the best news is....my own father interested to join the bussiness!....since I gave him the milk ( for free at first )...he feels much better...no more pain ( his knee ) and more energy...sekrang nie asyik gi main golf jer coz sakit lutut dah ilang ! heheehehe.. happy for him. Last time he argue about the price... " mahalnyer" ! but now he already willing to invest in this product. :) coz its worth every sens. Since he got nothing to do ( dah bersara ) he really look forward to market this product....good luck Abah ! :) . Insyallah .

So...anyone interested to try, give me a call... 013-3405321. Free Delivery !

Friday, February 27, 2009

the best part of doing this bussiness .... it works by itself.

Nearly 2 months I've been selling/marketing this product, and sales are getting better and better each week. Few clients already heard about this product ( from others ) and its benefit...and they are just looking for dealer nearby. So I dont really have to convince them much...just have to be a very good seller to my clients. :). Insyallah..

Normally once they tried this product, they will feel the differences and surely will order more afterwards. And then.. they will spread the news to their close friends n relatives...and their close friends n relatives will also start buying the product..and the chain will go on ..and on... thats the best part of selling quality product. Client will come to you...and you just have to treat them nicely...

Thank you for all your support

Monday, February 16, 2009

No more sneezing !

My Hubby have this sinus problem and every morning he sneeze 5-10 times .... can feel how tiring and irritating...really pity him. BUT yesterday I realized he sneeze no more !..i think more than a week now... yea2 !..and I can see that he always make sure not to miss his breakfast - Alpha Lipid shake . Very2 happy.

I already 'paksa' my father to take this product...hahahaha...he's a bit against multilevel product..but I said..."Abah! nie akak bagi FOC nie...takyah bayor pun..minum jer, kot2 ler boleh baik sakit lutut tu. :)." He has some knee problem.. nearly went into surgery last 2 months..but we hold on since we are not sure if thats the best option. It cost RM7K . We dont mind paying if its really for his own good...but we want to find some other options 1st. Now I have this OPTION and he's taking it for nearly 3 weeks now. We'll see the progress soon. Praying hard for better results.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Alpha Lipid membantu mendapatkan zuriat...

Saya pernah terbaca...Alpha Lipid mampu mengembalikan kesuburan wanita...dan membantu kaum hawa untuk mudah mengandung. There's a testimonial regarding this issue... http://team-alphalipid.net/forum/index.php?topic=25.0 still i wish I can get my own personal testimonial. So... i'm offering to all wifey out there who is trying to get pregnant ( and clinically proved that you and your partner have no health prob...just no luck yet ) ..and want to try this product ..alpha lipid....i'm willing to give u guys a very2 special price..please e-mail me if you are really interested. Email : shaja_ratul@yahoo.com

thank you

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

In order to cover demand from outside KL/Selangor, I need agents from all around Malaysia including Sabah/Sarawak. Those witihn KL/Selangor are also welcomed. Please email/sms me if you interested to give this product a try and at the same time looking for some extra income. I will provide you all the materials for promotion and also help you with online marketing. BUT you must also drink this milk, and feel the new 'energy' . I strongly believe that, you can never influence others and talk about its benefits unless u feel it yourself. Or.. you can have anyone close to you,( family esp )to try this product and see their progress yourself. It will help you to gain your confidence ....

Please email me at : shaja_ratul@yahoo.com / 013-3405321
If you interested to read more testimonial and sincere opinion about this product.... you can visit this forum thread.


"alfa nak ucap kan brbyk trima kasih pda susu alpha lipid ni..alhamdulillah..skit yg alfa alami selama setahun semakin beransur pulih..selama ni cme mkin ubt than skit je..tp lpas seminggu minum susu ni..menakjub kan..mula mmg tergamam jgk nk beli..ye la..rm180 utk 400g..mahal tu..tp klau nk d bandingkan dgn kebaikan yg dberi..mmg tak rugi.. "

and also here :


"susu al ni mmg berbaloi dgn harga. aku 1 family dh lama minum susu ni mmg berkesan. mak n ayah pun minum diorg dh x mengadu lenguh2 badan lagi lagipun mak n ayah aku ada niaga kedai makan jd badan mrk makin sihat. kakak aku pun bg kat anak2 dia minum sbb anak2 dia ada lemah sikit dalam pelajaran tp bila dia bg minum susu al ni anak2 akak aku lebih fokus n setiap kerja sekolah mrk dapat wat sndri tanpa bantuan mak diorg mmg nampak ketara (otak dh x lembab lg). Dalam susu al ni terkandung GD3 iaitu makanan minda bgus utk otak. Lagisatu bg lelaki yg ada masalah dalaman tu mmg bgus tuk minum susu ni sbb kasi lebih tenaga. tinggalkan la tongkat ali or wat ever benda yg tuk kasi kuat dgn susu ni jek dh terbukti daaaa. klo x caya cuba dulu (x kenal maka x cinta). Klo masih ada lg yg kata mahal mmg x patut sbb hanya ngan al ni jek keihatan dh terjamin x perlu nk amik byk2 supplement). Amalkanlah sebagai minuman sarapan pagi. "

Berminat ?? Boleh hubungi saya bila-bila masa ... beli dulu 1 tin... cuba dulu 1 tin.... insyallah awak akan rasa perbezaan nya. I Have !

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Another story to share

Salam and Hi again....

I just found one blog that has her own testimonial taking alpha lipid. After dringking the milk for more than a month, she have not had any asthma attack
Her mother has diabetes and after 3 months, the sugar level has come down from 10 to 6 ..and she got a relative, age 85, who also tried Alpha Lipid and alhamdulillah recovers from a very bad condition.

You can read more here :http://blog.kakakdegil.com/?p=270

And if you wish to know further about this wonderful product and would like to give it a try... please call/sms me at this no 013-3405321. Or you can drop me an email here : shaja_ratul@yahoo.com / alipid@yahoo.com

thank you

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Another testimonial


they also have such a good testimonial... the best testimonial - one lady is cured from stroke. You can see hr on You tube She talked about her own experience drinking Alpha Lipid.www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYCmVtTbS-E

And recently, they have one succesfull story being published in the Harian Metro...how Alpha Lipid helped one man who had suffered from difficulties to sleep and eat for more than 20 years. As attached above.

Only 1 and half spoon per day... every morning ... mix with cold water / juice in a shaker ( will be provided FOC ). Taste good!

To those interested to know more and wish to give this product a try...email/sms me at this no 013-3405321 . We can arrange an appmnt at your place or any other place suitable. You will see the difference if you take it continuously..

If you become a member, you can get a member price which is RM150 only for 1 can of ALPHA LIPID 450gm You need to buy 3 can to become a member . No extra charge !

This is my 1st entry in this blog...And this blog is created for me to discuss further on this wonderful product from New Zealand :LIFELINE ALPHA LIPIDSomeone close to me introduce this product a month a go....mulanya nak cuba dulu . Nak tgk kesannyer...so far mmg ada improvement.I'm now 36 weeks pregnant and my EDD is end of this month. Since 30 weeks pregn, i always feel tired and sometimes really hard to get up in the morning. this is my 3rd baby,and a lot different from my previous pregnancy...less energy and always have leg cramps. Never had such experience in the previous 2...:( I was really looking for ways to help reduce the simptom. They said I lack of Calcium..and need to consume more milk.

So.. i start drinking Alpha Lipid, hoping that it will help.And Alhamdulillah.. it helps to reduce the leg cramps. Not totally but at least now I have the energy to walk around Jaya Jusco for 2-3 hours... hehehe..Can feel the difference after 2-3 weeks. So I start to browse thru the net.... to understand more about this product.. its benefits especially. From there , I think its worth a try.


The main ingrediant in Alpha Lipid milk is Colostrum.What is colostrum?Colostrum is literally natures first food.It is the pre-milk fluid that all female mammals give to their newborn baby in the first few days after birth. Colostrum is a highly complex cocktail of vital immune and growth factors that a baby needs to protect itself against the diseases it will be exposed to, and assists with the development of the newborn into a strong and healthy adult.Bovine colostrum is ideally suited for human consumption. It contains up to twenty times more immune factors than human colostrum.Perfect combination of immune factors, growth factors, vitamins and minerals that are designed to promote a vibrant, healthy body and an ability to fight off a host of all types of infections.

ALPHA LIPID ™ LIFELINE ™ dapat Meningkatkan daya tahan badan melawan penyakit dan dijamin HALAL.SUSU ALPHA LIPID ™ LIFELINE ™ adalah kolustrum kuality tinggin (grade10) dengan formula unit lebih mudah diserap cepat dan berkesan 100% ke dalam system penghadaman berbanding kolostrum jenama lain.

If you interested to buy this product, you can either call me at this no 013-3405321 . Or email me at alipid@yahoo.com. Or you can visit my showroom atNO37, Level 2,PAsar Moden TMn Tun Dr Ismail.KL.