And after 3 months..Alhamdulillah ...all 30 cans SOLD OUT...dan saya akan bertukar status ke MANAGER bulan hadapan. Ingatkan mmg akan jadi Supervisor jer....just to get that 25% discount. coz I never think that I can actually go further with this business. Tapi memang tak sangka...this month I already receive my 1st bonus from New Image.

I took 2 months to gain back my money, RM4,500 which I invest to become a supervisor. i managed to sell all 30 cans of Alpha Lipid..some at RM150( if they bought 3 can ) and even some at Rm180 . And now its time to gain PROFIT from my investment. :). Actually by signing up as a Supervisor, I already received RM288 bonus. And starting last April, each can I bought, the company also gave me 25% commision.
The whole family now taking Alpha Lipid as breakfast. Baru-baru nie, my niece also start to drink Alpha Lipid due to her bad astma. Kesian tengok Khautsar bila kena time tu sampai masuk wad...kena sedut gas...nangis2 tapi terpaksa gak. Cold drinks mmg tak boleh langsung...or else sure batuk malam and later sesak nafas. Takut dengar citer my sis in law.
I suggest to her ... since theres many testimonial on how Alpha Lipid helps Astma patients, why not she give it a try. So...last 2 weeks...she starts to replace Khautsar breakfast with Alpha Lipid milk. Only once a day. Luckily Khautsar love the taste...
And I called her last Saturday. She said :
" Rasanyer ada kesan laaa....batuk still ada tapi dah tak teruk mcm selalu... "
I was soo happy to hear that, and later she ask me
" Susu ada stok lagi ? Ingat nak terus beli jer... "
Adaaaaa! stok sentiasa ada..:)....
and actually most of my client starts with 3 can...and after a month.. they will surely call me back and want to know more about the Alpha Lipid marketing Plan. Thats how I managed to get Supervisors as my downline.
Alhamdulillah, starting next month at MANAGER LEVEL ..I will receive Rm1,000 - RM4,000 bonuses each months. Seronok rasa dpt bantu my niece and at the same time membantu ekonomi keluarga. Semoga Allah mudahkan apa yg kami usahakan
Dan untuk Khautsar... m'ngah doakan awak cepat sembuh yer... nanti Fahim belanja minum Ice Blended Choc yer. :)
Till next article..wassalam
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