Monday, August 17, 2009

Antibodi kanak-kanak...

Received an email asking about decided to share with everyone my reply to her...... thank you.



Hi..I did some research about alpha lipid & luckly found ur blog..& rasa berminat nk tahu dgn lanjut about ALJuz few questions....

1) Boleh ke baby ambil alpha lipid (my baby 1yr 3month)..tiada apa2 effect ke?

2) I'm pregnant for 2nd baby but still have intention to breastfeed my 1st, ada testimoni tak from ur customer yg mengatakan production susu meningkat slps ambil AL ni?looking foward for ur reply & thanks for ur intention..



Thank you for your email.

I memang bagi pd anak2 i...sejak sebulan yg lepas.. awal2 dulu rasa mcm costly gak nak bg pd anak2 i, tapi bila h1n1 kes dah menular, we all risau coz anak i yg 4 thn tu baru sekolah taska.. tapi mmg selalu catch flu+cough .. so we decided to give them that drink every morning. Sorang lg blum sekolah.. dah 2.5 years, paling susah mkan ubat. Nasib susu nie diorang bleh plak minum. So far..i memang perasan antibodi diorang much2 better..i bancuh 1.5 scoop.. share 2 org.

My youngest baru 6 months+..baru2 nie jer i campur skit susu tu dlm meal...masa makan bubur/biskut baby..i campur dlm 1 sudu kecik..campur skit air sejuk....sekali jer sehari...baru 2 weeks..and so far she's ok.. sihat..alhamdulillah.

I nie cuak skit psal H1N1 nie.... and i memang believe this product ( like our own colostrum ) sgt2 bagus untuk antibodi anak2 kita...klau u nak try bagi pd baby you..u can try mcm i buat..mix dgn food and start skit jer dulu. I think max is half scoop/day, good enogh for 1year+ baby.

Next about increase the milk production. Yg ini memang i memang ada direct testimonial. coz at first my fren actually minum tu nak tambah berat badan but at the same time she realize that her milk production has after a week she decided to drink twice/day 2 scoop each time.. Her baby age 2 years.

I minum 1.5 scoop jer.. once/ day. I hope the vitamins/minerals in this AL will protect my family from any kind of disease .. Minta dijauhkan..Insyallah.

I hope the above info helps..anything just give a call ya.. thank yo so much. :)


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