For centuries colostrum has been considered a potent health aid all over the world. It's a universally accepted natural health food, usually without side effects. Over the years, researches have proven the outstanding health benefits offered by quality colostrum.
No matter the age, gender, or even species, colostrum can revitalize the health of all living beings.
The list of diseases colostrum is believed to cure is impressive. Researches have confirmed that colostrum can cure anemia, asthma, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, diabetes, emphysema, gout, gingivitis, hemorrhoids, influenza, lupus, joint injuries and post-surgery pain, multiple sclerosis, nerve injuries, shingles, stress, stroke, temper outbursts, tendonitis, thyroid disorders, ulcers, and more.
People all over the world take antibiotics to fight diseases. But antibiotics are artificial and they usually come with side affects. Colostrum is as effective as an antibiotic for many diseases but without the side affects. Also, the growth factors found in colostrum can reverse or repair the damage caused by age, injury and more.
Colostrum helps athletes and body builders by building lean muscle mass and it burns fat because it has IGF-1, which metabolizes fat for energy.
And colostrum can work wonders for children, as it revitalizes memory, improves concentration, and develops a strong immune system in kids. Even pets can benefit from bovine colostrum, since the bovine variety is the only colostrum in nature that is not species-specific.
Consumption of colostrum also improves prostate health, speeds healing of injuries, improves hair growth, reduces allergy symptoms, and it can even improve your sex life. To be able to enjoy all the benefits of bovine colostrum, it should be obtained from the first milking.
Colostrum provides detailed information about colostrum, colostrum benefits, colostrum milk, colostrum and pregnancy and more.
Colostrum is the sister site of Progesterone Benefit.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Damian_Sofsian
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