From day 1 taking Alpha Lipid, I start to do research on the ingredients..the benefits and any kind of side effects ( good n bad ). This is to make sure that I know what I'm selling. And if there's any Q about the product I can give the best answer, based on facts ... not just other's testimonial. At least I'm telling the truth.. nothing but only the truth..
Logiknyer memang tak semua org sesuai dgn Alpha I said .. ini bukan ubat magic yg boleh ilangkan semuaaaaaaaaa penyakit dan masalah kita. Tapi kalau memang kita, anak atau parents kita sakit... tak ker ada terdetik di hati nak berusaha mencari jalan memulihkan kesihatan tu...dengan ape jua petua dan cara.
Doctor pun kalau ada pesakit yg terpaksa melalui pembedahan mcm sakit jantung contohnyer... ade ker dia cakap..." saya yakin..lepas bedah nie anda akan sihat seperti sediakala." ... Ada ke?? ...selalunya... doctor akan kata... kita akan BERUSAHA sedaya upya..dan insyallah kalau takder ape2 masalah ... pesakit boleh pulih. They always make sure we understand that there's no guarantee.
Sama lah jugak dengan minuman2 kesihat yg ada..tak kisahlah traditional ker moden...takder jaminan yg diberikan " IT WILL WORK ! " ...tapi tak salahkan kalau berdasarkan testimonial pengguna sebelum2 nie...kita berusaha dan mencuba.
Thats why I never encourage any patients with bad health condition to straight away consume 2 or 1.5 scoops /day. Please... give your body a try first..take only HALF SCOOP / day.We never know unless we try and there's no harm trying coz Alpha Lipid contains no other that good nutritions, vitamins and minerals. if after a week...your body shows some good rejection... then you can increase to 2 scoop/day. And please...dont skip ...continue everyday or else you wont say much a progress that soon.
My friends now taking even 2 scoops twice a day. reason being..she discovered that by taking this nutrition product, her milk production has increase, and she wish to continue breastfeeding her baby gal. So..twice a it too much..For her No..coz she feels much better and healthier. You also can try and if its ok....go on.. As long as its giving you and your family benefits...why not right ?.
SO you will never know how good it is until you give it a try... and what you need is to pick up your phone and just give me a call 013-3405321/012-21 884 21 ... OR... just drop me an email at . I'm happy to help you anytime, anyday.
Till next article..take care !
Thank you
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Welcome to our group Waheeda and Rabia
Bulan ini kami mendapat 2 ahli baru..welcome! ... dan TAHNIAH kerana berani mengambil risiko bersama2 saya dan ahli2 yg lain. Lets get out of our comfort zone... and achive our target together...
Untuk mengetahui kenapa Waheda bertindak untuk terus menjadi pengguna tegar ..:D .. dan juga pengedar ALPHA LIPID yang berwibawa..hehehehe..baca ceritanyer .. boleh ke blog ini :
Untuk mengetahui kenapa Waheda bertindak untuk terus menjadi pengguna tegar ..:D .. dan juga pengedar ALPHA LIPID yang berwibawa..hehehehe..baca ceritanyer .. boleh ke blog ini :
Alpha Lipid ubat kurus ????? yer ker ??
One people ask me....Boleh kurus ke kalau minum Susu ni ??
My answer : ALPHA LIPID buka ubat kurus...but the Probiotics in ALPHA LIPID is powerful enough to help you reduce weight. How ??? I found this article that explain further :

Probiotics for weight loss can be found in most yoghurts and yoghurt based drinks. They are also found in lots of other foods too and can be found at supermarkets and are now highly advertised on the television. These healthy bacteria can prevent digestive problems and is also known to help Crohn's disease sufferers.
Probiotics for weight loss also helps the thyroid gland which in turn helps the digestive system. This gives people with thyroid problems a much needed helping hand in losing their excess weight.

An important part in losing weight is to ensure that your digestive system is working to its best ability and probiotics for weight loss can do this.The over eating of yeast is a major factor of weight gain and by taking a probiotic for weight loss will prevent the pounds from piling on.
If you decide that taking a probiotic for weight loss you should always use the most effective strain of probiotics which creates an environment that yeasts cannot survive in. .
Remember that they must be kept cool to prevent them from 'dying' and becoming useless.
"Jadi minum Alpha Lipid dengan air sejuk dan pastikan semasa perut kosong...dia akan terus mencuci usus kita dan menjadikan kita lebih sihat !"
article source :
The goodness of Probiotics in Alpha Lipid
Alpha Lipid have good Probiotics...and some of you might not know what is Probiotics....apakah itu Probiotics kawan-kawan ??

A probiotic is an organism which contributes to the health and balance of the intestinal tract. A probiotic is also referred to as the "friendly", "beneficial", or "good" bacteria which when ingested acts to maintain a healthy intestinal tract and help fight illness and disease.
Dalam erti kata lain Probiotic adalah bakteria yang sgt mesra usus ! ...kalau nak usus kita sihat...and avoid diarrhea,constipation ( sembelit ) , bloated stomach ( kembung perut) , week immune system( lemah sistem pertahanan badan )....we have to make sure that we consume probiotic daily !
Thats why you need to drink ALPHA LIPID in the morning ( empty stomach ) and NEVER mix it with hot will kill all the good bacteria !
And also this is the main reason for this product is to be soooo effective..anyone that has a problem that comes from unhealthy eating habits, too much bad bacteria ( drugs/antibiotics/painkillers ) and stressss that somehow disturb our intestines ( usus )...ALPHA LIPID formula have the cure for that. It heals our intestines and within few can already see the results.
You must have heard and drink many other probiotics VITIGEN and YAKULT...yesssss....itulah minuman yg ada byk probiotics. And now ALPHA LIPID also has it too!!.
Jadi marilah sama2 kita pastikan anak-anak kita pun kekal sihat dgn pengambilan probiotics yg cukup. :D
Lets join our group...I will explain further..need more info feel free to call me 013-3405321

A probiotic is an organism which contributes to the health and balance of the intestinal tract. A probiotic is also referred to as the "friendly", "beneficial", or "good" bacteria which when ingested acts to maintain a healthy intestinal tract and help fight illness and disease.
Dalam erti kata lain Probiotic adalah bakteria yang sgt mesra usus ! ...kalau nak usus kita sihat...and avoid diarrhea,constipation ( sembelit ) , bloated stomach ( kembung perut) , week immune system( lemah sistem pertahanan badan )....we have to make sure that we consume probiotic daily !
Thats why you need to drink ALPHA LIPID in the morning ( empty stomach ) and NEVER mix it with hot will kill all the good bacteria !
And also this is the main reason for this product is to be soooo effective..anyone that has a problem that comes from unhealthy eating habits, too much bad bacteria ( drugs/antibiotics/painkillers ) and stressss that somehow disturb our intestines ( usus )...ALPHA LIPID formula have the cure for that. It heals our intestines and within few can already see the results.
You must have heard and drink many other probiotics VITIGEN and YAKULT...yesssss....itulah minuman yg ada byk probiotics. And now ALPHA LIPID also has it too!!.
Jadi marilah sama2 kita pastikan anak-anak kita pun kekal sihat dgn pengambilan probiotics yg cukup. :D
Lets join our group...I will explain further..need more info feel free to call me 013-3405321
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
kenapa perlu bergantung dgn ubat utk hidup ?
Adalah dimaklumkan bahawa produk Alpha Lipid Lifeline ini adalah susu kolostrum, sejenis makanan semulajadi anugerah ilahi kepada manusia.
Ramai yang menganggap ia sebagai UBAT! Sebab itu ramai yang bertanya adakah perlu kelulusan KKM dan sebagainya...
Ramai orang menjadikan UBAT sebagai makanan mereka...contoh setiap hari ambil segenggam ubat spt ubat darah tinggi, ubat kencing manis, ubat kolesterol, ubat gout, ubat gastrik, ubat migrain, dan pelbagai ubat lagi.....
Ramai yang menganggap ia sebagai UBAT! Sebab itu ramai yang bertanya adakah perlu kelulusan KKM dan sebagainya...
Ramai orang menjadikan UBAT sebagai makanan mereka...contoh setiap hari ambil segenggam ubat spt ubat darah tinggi, ubat kencing manis, ubat kolesterol, ubat gout, ubat gastrik, ubat migrain, dan pelbagai ubat lagi.....

Ramai yang makan ubat setiap hari dah bertahun-tahun. Mereka menjadikan ubat seperti makanan harian (kerana mereka tiada pilihan...). Hari-hari makan ubat! Sedangkan kita tahu bahawa UBAT adalah RACUN (Drug is categorized as Poison by Drug Law).
Kesan sampingan jangka masa panjang akan menimpa pesakit yang selalu menjadikan ubat sebagai makanan mereka.
Berlainan dengan pemakanan kesihatan, spt Alpha Lipid Lifeline.
Ia adalah makanan semulajadi yang bebas toksik, tiada pengawet, bebas bahan kimia. Jika kita amalkan pemakanan yang berkhasiat dan berkualiti tinggi, sudah pasti ia akan membantu tubuh badan kita menjadi sihat.
Tambahan pula kolostrum adalah bahan yang telah dikaji oleh pelbagai saintis di seluruh dunia, Lebih 8000 kajian klinikal telah dibuat. Memang terbukti ianya mempunyai komponen AntiBodi dan faktor pertumbuhan yang boleh membantu menstabilkan sel-sel dan sistem tubuh badan kita.

Seelok-eloknya kita PATUT menjadikan MAKANAN sebagai UBAT kita, bukan UBAT sebagai MAKANAN kita.

Alpha Lipid Lifeline ini sama kategori macam MILO...minuman sarapan pagi...sarapan pagi yang amat berkhasiat dan berfaedah untuk manusia. Adakah kita tanya syarikat Nestle pengeluar MILO , ada kelulusan KKM? Adakah perlu kita tanya apakah kandungan detailnya?
Yang paling penting ialah kita mengamalkannya sebagai SARAPAN PAGI SETIAP HARI. InsyaAllah anda akan bertambah sihat dan dijauhi Penyakit.
[Info ini diambil dari web Wan Hamidi Wan Sulaiman, Ahli FarmasiB.Pharm (Hons) USM 1996]
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Bonus dah masuk
Semlm dah check .... bonus dah masuk...happy2. Ingat nak guna beli baju raya budak2 nie. sekrang SALE ended rasanyer end of August. Shopping jom !
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Hari yang best
Today the wheather is soooo good. Dari pagi cuaca cantik mcm waktu pukul 7pagi.. teduh ..sejuk jer. My daughter still berair hidung...luckily the other two still ok. with the H1N1 virus spreading like crazy...hopefully my daughter will recover soon. Last night have to stay at home just to make sure she slept well. Pity my hubby got to go to Sg Buluh a alone to deliver Alpha Lipid to our downline....sure boring drive sensorang, tanpa co driver yg memang ada jer gosip sepanjang2 perjalanan tu..ekekeke... thank you dear for your support. Luv u !
Monday, July 13, 2009
Colostrum... give your body the best suppliment
For centuries colostrum has been considered a potent health aid all over the world. It's a universally accepted natural health food, usually without side effects. Over the years, researches have proven the outstanding health benefits offered by quality colostrum.
No matter the age, gender, or even species, colostrum can revitalize the health of all living beings.
The list of diseases colostrum is believed to cure is impressive. Researches have confirmed that colostrum can cure anemia, asthma, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, diabetes, emphysema, gout, gingivitis, hemorrhoids, influenza, lupus, joint injuries and post-surgery pain, multiple sclerosis, nerve injuries, shingles, stress, stroke, temper outbursts, tendonitis, thyroid disorders, ulcers, and more.
People all over the world take antibiotics to fight diseases. But antibiotics are artificial and they usually come with side affects. Colostrum is as effective as an antibiotic for many diseases but without the side affects. Also, the growth factors found in colostrum can reverse or repair the damage caused by age, injury and more.
Colostrum helps athletes and body builders by building lean muscle mass and it burns fat because it has IGF-1, which metabolizes fat for energy.
And colostrum can work wonders for children, as it revitalizes memory, improves concentration, and develops a strong immune system in kids. Even pets can benefit from bovine colostrum, since the bovine variety is the only colostrum in nature that is not species-specific.
Consumption of colostrum also improves prostate health, speeds healing of injuries, improves hair growth, reduces allergy symptoms, and it can even improve your sex life. To be able to enjoy all the benefits of bovine colostrum, it should be obtained from the first milking.
Colostrum provides detailed information about colostrum, colostrum benefits, colostrum milk, colostrum and pregnancy and more.
Colostrum is the sister site of Progesterone Benefit.
Article Source:
Asthma and colostrum
A 2003 study by the Health Sciences Department of the University of South Australia suggests that taking concentrated bovine colostrum supplements could reduce the incidence of upper respiratory tract infections.
The study involved subjects being randomly allocated to consume 60g/day of Colostrum for eight weeks, then examining their occurrence of symptoms.
Results from the first week were kept separate from those from the last seven weeks. The results showed that during the first week of supplementation, there was no measurable difference in symptoms in the proportion of subjects taking the supplement as opposed to those who didn't.
During the subsequent seven weeks, however, a much lower percentage of the subjects taking Colostrum reported upper respiratory infection related symptoms. Symptom duration, however, did not differ.
This suggests that the immune benefits achieved by Colostrum can be very good in terms of being a preventative, but that it does not have any measurable effect on an infection once it has already taken hold.
That is why it is important to use Colostrum properly, as a preventative, and not depend on it to cure illness.
These overall results of this research study show that while Concentrated Bovine Colostrum doesn't take effect immediately,
it does have definite immune enhancing and infection preventing effects when taken consistently, over an extended period of time.
About The AuthorJeremy Maddock is the webmaster of - your source for high quality information about a variety of health products, including Colostrum (
The study involved subjects being randomly allocated to consume 60g/day of Colostrum for eight weeks, then examining their occurrence of symptoms.
Results from the first week were kept separate from those from the last seven weeks. The results showed that during the first week of supplementation, there was no measurable difference in symptoms in the proportion of subjects taking the supplement as opposed to those who didn't.
During the subsequent seven weeks, however, a much lower percentage of the subjects taking Colostrum reported upper respiratory infection related symptoms. Symptom duration, however, did not differ.
This suggests that the immune benefits achieved by Colostrum can be very good in terms of being a preventative, but that it does not have any measurable effect on an infection once it has already taken hold.
That is why it is important to use Colostrum properly, as a preventative, and not depend on it to cure illness.
These overall results of this research study show that while Concentrated Bovine Colostrum doesn't take effect immediately,
it does have definite immune enhancing and infection preventing effects when taken consistently, over an extended period of time.
About The AuthorJeremy Maddock is the webmaster of - your source for high quality information about a variety of health products, including Colostrum (
Bila Umminyer sakit...

Really hate it if myself catch a flu or sore throat...since I'm still brestfeeding..I cant take any strong medicine.. even panadol is not advisable. So will have to use traditional health remedy to get better.
My hubby said...try to drink Alpha Lipid twice a day... hope it helpss...coz normally if I'm sick....there's a chance the whole family will get that tooo....i mean the virusssss..I guess no ice for me today .. tomorrow..and the day after tomorrow...bla bla bla..
ermmmm...thinking of giving all my kids Alpha Lipid tomrrow morning ... hope it will help to improve their antibody, and also mine of course!
My hubby said...try to drink Alpha Lipid twice a day... hope it helpss...coz normally if I'm sick....there's a chance the whole family will get that tooo....i mean the virusssss..I guess no ice for me today .. tomorrow..and the day after tomorrow...bla bla bla..
ermmmm...thinking of giving all my kids Alpha Lipid tomrrow morning ... hope it will help to improve their antibody, and also mine of course!
My progress ...
Feeling much better ....will continue to take twice a day...harap2 nyer boelh sembuh sakit tekak nie sebelum jadi lebih teruk...insyallah.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Apa itu sakit GOUT
- Gout adalah sejenis penyakit akibat berlebihan asid urik di dalam badan.
- Asid urik adalah bahan kumuhan berasal dari sejenis protein yang dipanggil purin.
- Badan kita membuang bahan kumuhan ini melalui air kencing (urin).
- Bagi pengidap gout, asid urik yang berlebihan tidak dibuang dan berkumpul di dalam sendi.
- Ia adalah salah satu penyakit yang paling lama dihidapi manusia, sejak zaman dahulu kala lagi.
- Pada masa dahulu gout boleh menyebabkan kemudaratan dan kecacatan, kini dengan kemajuan dalam bidang perubatan, gout boleh dikawal.
- Ia sering dihidapi oleh kaum lelaki dalam lingkungan usia antara 30 hingga 60 tahun.
- Ia jarang sekali dihidapi oleh kaum wanita sebelum putus haid.
Tanda Gout
- Gout lazimnya menyerang ibu jari kaki.
- Ibu jari kaki menjadi merah, panas, bengkak dan tersangat sakit.
- Serangan selalunya berlaku secara tiba-tiba, kerap kali semalaman.
- Sendi yang diserang menjadi bisa sehinggakan geseran dengan selimut pun begitu menyeksakan.
- Sakit mungkin berlarutan berhari-hari, atau sekurang-kurangnya 1-2 minggu untuk reda jika tidak dirawat.
- Sakit mungkin menyerang kembali selepas berminggu atau bulan.
- Gout boleh menyerang sendi-sendi lain seperti buku lali, lutut, pergelangan tangan dan jari.
- Asid urik boleh berkumpul di bawah kulit membentuk benjolan di panggil ’tophi’
- Dalam saluran urinari (air kencing), ia boleh berkumpul membentuk ’batu karang’.
- Penghidap gout juga sering menghidapi penyakit atau masalah kesihatan lain seperti:
- Kegemukan
- Darah tinggi
- Hiperlipidemia
- Diabetes
- Gout adalah suatu penyakit yang boleh sembuh tetapi anda harus mengambil langkah-langkah untuk mengatasinya.
- Rawatan serangan akut
- Rehatkan sendi semasa serangan gout.
- Ubat-ubatan anti-radang berkesan untuk mengurangkan sakit dan keradangan sendi.
- Walaupun ia boleh mendatangkan kesan sampingan seperti sakit perut. Jika digunakan dalam jangka masa yang singkat, kesan sampingan jarang berlaku.
- Ubatan lain seperti colchicine juga boleh diambil. Walaupun ia amat berkesan, ia boleh menyebabkan loya, muntah dan cirit-birit (Peringatan: Colchicine hanya boleh diambil melalui preskripsi doktor)
- Steroid (Peringatan: Steroid hanya boleh diambil melalui preskripsi doktor)
Lazimnya cecair steroid disuntik terus ke sendi yang radang
Pil steroid boleh diambil dalam jangka masa yang pendek jika penghidap tidak boleh mengambil ubat-ubatan yang lain. Walaubagaimanapun, ianya tidak boleh diambil berpanjangan. - Sentiasa peka terhadap tanda-tanda awal serangan. Jika rawatan dimulakan awal, penyakit ini tidak akan melarat.
Rawatan Jangka Panjang
Sesetengah daging binatang, makanan laut, kekacang mengandungi purin yang tinggi.
- Di bawah disenaraikan makanan yang kaya dengan purin:.
- Organ dalaman seperti hati, paru-paru, ginjal dan otak
- Ikan bilis, kembung, sardin
- Daging cincang
- Ekstrak daging, ragi (seperti Marmite) dan kiub rebusan daging
- Makanan bercengkerang seperti ketam, udang dan kerang
- Asparagus, bunga kobis, cendawan dan bayam
- Peanuts, lentil, beans and peas
- Poultry
- Roti jagung dan bijirin
- Ubah cara hidup anda untuk memastikan paras asid urik yang normal
- Amalkan cara hidup sihat untuk mengelak dari menghidap penyakit-penyakit yang berhubungkait dengan gout
- Apabila mengambil Allopurinol, ianya perlu diambil secara berterusan.
- Jangan mengubah atau menghentikan dos Allopurinol semasa serangan gout.
- Minum banyak air
Benarkah Gout Penyakit Orang Kaya?
Adakah Gout Boleh Diwarisi?
Gout boleh diwarisi tetapi faktor persekitaran juga memainkan peranan
Gout adalah penyakit yang boleh dirawat. Pada zaman dahulu, gout merupakan salah satu penyebab kerosakan dan kecacatan sendi. Pada hari ini, dengan rawatan yang baik, ianya boleh dikawal.
Adalah penting untuk mengamalkan cara hidup sihat.
Dari petikan :
15 cans SOLD OUT in 1 week !
PErcaya tak new downline, Pn. Khadijah Warni dari Sg Buluh berjaya menjual 15 tin hanya dlm tempoh masa seminggu ! I went to see her last nite to give her another 15 and to conform her registration as a Supervisor..and she wanted to take another 24 cans. She said..." Makcik pun tak sangka bleh laku...tapi itulah..sedar2 dah habis 15 tin !...:) " Alhamdulillah.
Teringin nak tahu rahsia makcik...senang jer...katanyer beliau dah memang ada ramai kenalan dlm kaw perumah tersebut...dan memang ramai antara mereka yg ada penyakit2 seperti asma/semput, resdung, kencing manis, gaut dan terutamanya sakit lutut. Dulu pun memang beliau sendiri pun sakit lutut...dan cucunya ada resdung yg amat teruk.
" Cucu makcik selalu selsema, bersin, gatal2 hidung.. dia baru 3 thn. Kalau makan tersilap skit, bau pelik2 skit.. sure teruk berair hidung...kesian. Makcik paksa dia minum sekali jer sehari susu tu...awal2 susahhh..tak sedap dia kata , tapi lepas 2 minggu..dia sendiri sanggup minum sebab resdung tu dah kurang..dan skrg memang Alhamdulillah...dah takder bersin2 dah! "
Boleh telefon Pn Khadijah kalau ingin direct testimonial Pn Khadijah ( Sg Buluh ) 0126660903
So...bila dah ada testimonial depan mata....sekejap jer susu tu bleh dijual. Tapi memang rezeki kita tak tahukan...Jom sama2 kita berusaha memjaga kesihatan dan menambah pendapatan.
Saya dan Makcik Khadijah bertekad...RM9K per month....Insyallah !
Bak kata leader Alpha LIpid :
Teringin nak tahu rahsia makcik...senang jer...katanyer beliau dah memang ada ramai kenalan dlm kaw perumah tersebut...dan memang ramai antara mereka yg ada penyakit2 seperti asma/semput, resdung, kencing manis, gaut dan terutamanya sakit lutut. Dulu pun memang beliau sendiri pun sakit lutut...dan cucunya ada resdung yg amat teruk.
" Cucu makcik selalu selsema, bersin, gatal2 hidung.. dia baru 3 thn. Kalau makan tersilap skit, bau pelik2 skit.. sure teruk berair hidung...kesian. Makcik paksa dia minum sekali jer sehari susu tu...awal2 susahhh..tak sedap dia kata , tapi lepas 2 minggu..dia sendiri sanggup minum sebab resdung tu dah kurang..dan skrg memang Alhamdulillah...dah takder bersin2 dah! "
Boleh telefon Pn Khadijah kalau ingin direct testimonial Pn Khadijah ( Sg Buluh ) 0126660903
So...bila dah ada testimonial depan mata....sekejap jer susu tu bleh dijual. Tapi memang rezeki kita tak tahukan...Jom sama2 kita berusaha memjaga kesihatan dan menambah pendapatan.
Saya dan Makcik Khadijah bertekad...RM9K per month....Insyallah !
Bak kata leader Alpha LIpid :
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