In order to cover demand from outside KL/Selangor, I need agents from all around Malaysia including Sabah/Sarawak. Those witihn KL/Selangor are also welcomed. Please email/sms me if you interested to give this product a try and at the same time looking for some extra income. I will provide you all the materials for promotion and also help you with online marketing. BUT you must also drink this milk, and feel the new 'energy' . I strongly believe that, you can never influence others and talk about its benefits unless u feel it yourself. Or.. you can have anyone close to you,( family esp )to try this product and see their progress yourself. It will help you to gain your confidence ....
Please email me at : / 013-3405321
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
If you interested to read more testimonial and sincere opinion about this product.... you can visit this forum thread.
"alfa nak ucap kan brbyk trima kasih pda susu alpha lipid ni..alhamdulillah..skit yg alfa alami selama setahun semakin beransur pulih..selama ni cme mkin ubt than skit lpas seminggu minum susu ni..menakjub kan..mula mmg tergamam jgk nk la..rm180 utk 400g..mahal klau nk d bandingkan dgn kebaikan yg dberi..mmg tak rugi.. "
and also here :
"susu al ni mmg berbaloi dgn harga. aku 1 family dh lama minum susu ni mmg berkesan. mak n ayah pun minum diorg dh x mengadu lenguh2 badan lagi lagipun mak n ayah aku ada niaga kedai makan jd badan mrk makin sihat. kakak aku pun bg kat anak2 dia minum sbb anak2 dia ada lemah sikit dalam pelajaran tp bila dia bg minum susu al ni anak2 akak aku lebih fokus n setiap kerja sekolah mrk dapat wat sndri tanpa bantuan mak diorg mmg nampak ketara (otak dh x lembab lg). Dalam susu al ni terkandung GD3 iaitu makanan minda bgus utk otak. Lagisatu bg lelaki yg ada masalah dalaman tu mmg bgus tuk minum susu ni sbb kasi lebih tenaga. tinggalkan la tongkat ali or wat ever benda yg tuk kasi kuat dgn susu ni jek dh terbukti daaaa. klo x caya cuba dulu (x kenal maka x cinta). Klo masih ada lg yg kata mahal mmg x patut sbb hanya ngan al ni jek keihatan dh terjamin x perlu nk amik byk2 supplement). Amalkanlah sebagai minuman sarapan pagi. "
Berminat ?? Boleh hubungi saya bila-bila masa ... beli dulu 1 tin... cuba dulu 1 tin.... insyallah awak akan rasa perbezaan nya. I Have !
"alfa nak ucap kan brbyk trima kasih pda susu alpha lipid ni..alhamdulillah..skit yg alfa alami selama setahun semakin beransur pulih..selama ni cme mkin ubt than skit lpas seminggu minum susu ni..menakjub kan..mula mmg tergamam jgk nk la..rm180 utk 400g..mahal klau nk d bandingkan dgn kebaikan yg dberi..mmg tak rugi.. "
and also here :
"susu al ni mmg berbaloi dgn harga. aku 1 family dh lama minum susu ni mmg berkesan. mak n ayah pun minum diorg dh x mengadu lenguh2 badan lagi lagipun mak n ayah aku ada niaga kedai makan jd badan mrk makin sihat. kakak aku pun bg kat anak2 dia minum sbb anak2 dia ada lemah sikit dalam pelajaran tp bila dia bg minum susu al ni anak2 akak aku lebih fokus n setiap kerja sekolah mrk dapat wat sndri tanpa bantuan mak diorg mmg nampak ketara (otak dh x lembab lg). Dalam susu al ni terkandung GD3 iaitu makanan minda bgus utk otak. Lagisatu bg lelaki yg ada masalah dalaman tu mmg bgus tuk minum susu ni sbb kasi lebih tenaga. tinggalkan la tongkat ali or wat ever benda yg tuk kasi kuat dgn susu ni jek dh terbukti daaaa. klo x caya cuba dulu (x kenal maka x cinta). Klo masih ada lg yg kata mahal mmg x patut sbb hanya ngan al ni jek keihatan dh terjamin x perlu nk amik byk2 supplement). Amalkanlah sebagai minuman sarapan pagi. "
Berminat ?? Boleh hubungi saya bila-bila masa ... beli dulu 1 tin... cuba dulu 1 tin.... insyallah awak akan rasa perbezaan nya. I Have !
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Another story to share
Salam and Hi again....
I just found one blog that has her own testimonial taking alpha lipid. After dringking the milk for more than a month, she have not had any asthma attack
Her mother has diabetes and after 3 months, the sugar level has come down from 10 to 6 ..and she got a relative, age 85, who also tried Alpha Lipid and alhamdulillah recovers from a very bad condition.
You can read more here :
And if you wish to know further about this wonderful product and would like to give it a try... please call/sms me at this no 013-3405321. Or you can drop me an email here : /
thank you
I just found one blog that has her own testimonial taking alpha lipid. After dringking the milk for more than a month, she have not had any asthma attack
Her mother has diabetes and after 3 months, the sugar level has come down from 10 to 6 ..and she got a relative, age 85, who also tried Alpha Lipid and alhamdulillah recovers from a very bad condition.
You can read more here :
And if you wish to know further about this wonderful product and would like to give it a try... please call/sms me at this no 013-3405321. Or you can drop me an email here : /
thank you
Saturday, January 10, 2009

they also have such a good testimonial... the best testimonial - one lady is cured from stroke. You can see hr on You tube She talked about her own experience drinking Alpha
And recently, they have one succesfull story being published in the Harian Alpha Lipid helped one man who had suffered from difficulties to sleep and eat for more than 20 years. As attached above.
Only 1 and half spoon per day... every morning ... mix with cold water / juice in a shaker ( will be provided FOC ). Taste good!
To those interested to know more and wish to give this product a me at this no 013-3405321 . We can arrange an appmnt at your place or any other place suitable. You will see the difference if you take it continuously..
If you become a member, you can get a member price which is RM150 only for 1 can of ALPHA LIPID 450gm You need to buy 3 can to become a member . No extra charge !
This is my 1st entry in this blog...And this blog is created for me to discuss further on this wonderful product from New Zealand :LIFELINE ALPHA LIPIDSomeone close to me introduce this product a month a go....mulanya nak cuba dulu . Nak tgk far mmg ada improvement.I'm now 36 weeks pregnant and my EDD is end of this month. Since 30 weeks pregn, i always feel tired and sometimes really hard to get up in the morning. this is my 3rd baby,and a lot different from my previous pregnancy...less energy and always have leg cramps. Never had such experience in the previous 2...:( I was really looking for ways to help reduce the simptom. They said I lack of Calcium..and need to consume more milk.
So.. i start drinking Alpha Lipid, hoping that it will help.And Alhamdulillah.. it helps to reduce the leg cramps. Not totally but at least now I have the energy to walk around Jaya Jusco for 2-3 hours... hehehe..Can feel the difference after 2-3 weeks. So I start to browse thru the net.... to understand more about this product.. its benefits especially. From there , I think its worth a try.
So.. i start drinking Alpha Lipid, hoping that it will help.And Alhamdulillah.. it helps to reduce the leg cramps. Not totally but at least now I have the energy to walk around Jaya Jusco for 2-3 hours... hehehe..Can feel the difference after 2-3 weeks. So I start to browse thru the net.... to understand more about this product.. its benefits especially. From there , I think its worth a try.
The main ingrediant in Alpha Lipid milk is Colostrum.What is colostrum?Colostrum is literally natures first food.It is the pre-milk fluid that all female mammals give to their newborn baby in the first few days after birth. Colostrum is a highly complex cocktail of vital immune and growth factors that a baby needs to protect itself against the diseases it will be exposed to, and assists with the development of the newborn into a strong and healthy adult.Bovine colostrum is ideally suited for human consumption. It contains up to twenty times more immune factors than human colostrum.Perfect combination of immune factors, growth factors, vitamins and minerals that are designed to promote a vibrant, healthy body and an ability to fight off a host of all types of infections.
ALPHA LIPID ™ LIFELINE ™ dapat Meningkatkan daya tahan badan melawan penyakit dan dijamin HALAL.SUSU ALPHA LIPID ™ LIFELINE ™ adalah kolustrum kuality tinggin (grade10) dengan formula unit lebih mudah diserap cepat dan berkesan 100% ke dalam system penghadaman berbanding kolostrum jenama lain.
If you interested to buy this product, you can either call me at this no 013-3405321 . Or email me at Or you can visit my showroom atNO37, Level 2,PAsar Moden TMn Tun Dr Ismail.KL.
ALPHA LIPID ™ LIFELINE ™ dapat Meningkatkan daya tahan badan melawan penyakit dan dijamin HALAL.SUSU ALPHA LIPID ™ LIFELINE ™ adalah kolustrum kuality tinggin (grade10) dengan formula unit lebih mudah diserap cepat dan berkesan 100% ke dalam system penghadaman berbanding kolostrum jenama lain.
If you interested to buy this product, you can either call me at this no 013-3405321 . Or email me at Or you can visit my showroom atNO37, Level 2,PAsar Moden TMn Tun Dr Ismail.KL.
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